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What are the requirements for adding/cancelling affiliations and DRLP's?

  • Affiliates can only be added and/or modified for agencies with an active license status.

  • Adding an affiliate requires the Social Security Number and date of birth of the affiliate being added.

  • An individual cannot activate their own personal agency affiliations that are currently inactive.

  • An individual can cancel their own personal agency affiliations that are currently active.

  • Activation of a DRLP is a two-step process that requires acceptance acknowledgement of the proposed DRLP after submission by the agency:

  1. A request will be sent to the proposed DRLP at their business email on record with DIFS. If no business email is on record with DIFS, a letter will be sent to the mailing address on record.

  2. The proposed individual is required to create an account and log in to ILOS, then accept or decline the affiliation request as the DRLP.