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TAMC Meeting Minutes April 5, 2023


April 5, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.




Roll Call:

Members Present

  • Ryan Buck, MTPA, Lansing, MI
  • Jacob Hurt, MAR, Lansing, MI
  • James Hurt, MML, Lansing, MI
  • Joanna Johnson, CRA, Lansing, MI – Chair
  • Kelly Jones, MAC, Lansing, MI
  • Bill McEntee, CRA, Lansing, MI – Vice-Chair
  • Robert Slattery, MML, via Microsoft Teams
  • Jennifer Tubbs, MTA, Lansing, MI

Support Staff Present

  • Tim Colling, MTU/LTAP
  • Eric Costa, MDOT
  • Cheryl Granger, DTMB/CSS
  • Dave Jennett, MDOT
  • Eric Mullen, MDOT
  • Gloria Strong, MDOT
  • Pete Torola, MTU/LTAP
  • Mike Toth, MDOT

Public Present

  • Nathan Hamilton, MIC/Treasury
  • Heather Hoeve, MDOT
  • Ryan Laruwe, MIC

Members Absent

  • Art Green, MDOT
  • Rob Surber, DTMB/CSS
  1. Welcome – Call-To-Order
    1. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. Everyone was welcomed to the meeting.
  2. Changes or Additions to the Agenda (Action Item as needed)
    1. Any items under the Consent Agenda may be moved to the regular agenda upon request of any Council member, member of the public, or staff member.
    2. None
  3. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Item
    1. None
  4. Presentation: Local Road Asset Management State of Practice Report – Pete Toroloa, P.E., Michigan Technological University
    1. P. Torola gave a presentation on the National State of Practice Literature Review
  5. Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) Update Ryan Laruwe, MIC Executive Director
    1. TAMC/MIC/WAMC Joint Meeting, June 8, 2023, 9:30am
    2. Action: Cheryl Granger, CSS, requested to discuss the project portal tool at the June 8, 2023, meeting.
    3. Action: TAMC to possibly change the June 7, 2023, to June 8, 2023, to save Council members from having to travel to Lansing two days in a row. Nathan Hamilton, MIC, will check on conference room availability.
  6. Consent Agenda (Action Items)
    1. Approval of the February 1, and March 1, 2023, Meeting Minutes (Attachments 1 & 2)
      1. Action: J. Johnson will contact and work with Eric Mullen to discuss new format of the TAMC meeting minutes.
      2. Action: James Hurt would like the March 1, 2023, minutes to reflect he was present at the meeting and not traveling.
    2. Transportation Asset Management Plans (TAMP) Requests for Approval – Gloria Strong (Attachment 3)
      1. Action: Joanna Johnson stated the non-compliance issue is only for the City and Villages and it will be a topic of discussion at the Strategic Planning Session.
      2. Motion: J. Tubbs made a motion to approve the February 1, 2023, and March 1, 2023, meeting minutes and the Leelanau County Road Commission and Newaygo County Road Commission TAMPs; K. Jones seconded the motion. The motion was approved by all members present.
    3. TAMC Financial Update Report – Eric Mullen (Attachment 4)
      1. Action: Eric Mullen will review the total budget remaining culvert funds and give an update to Council.
  7. Old Business
    1. Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Terms Status – Eric Mullen
      1. Eric Mullen provided the terms for MDOT Council members, and the Council requested that the terms of all Council members be added to the TAMC Website.
      2. Motion: J. Johnson made a motion to update the term dates as provided and update all Council member terms on the TAMC website; J. Tubbs seconded the motion. The motion was approved by all members present.
    2. 2022 Annual Report – Dave Jennett (Action Item)
      1. D. Jennett did brief review. Historical and roads pictures will be added. Council members have until 12:00 noon, Friday, April 7, 2023, to make any suggested changes to the annual report. Annual Report must be provided to the Legislature by May 2, 2023.
      2. Motion: Jennifer Tubbs made a motion to approve the annual report with planned revisions approved by the Annual Report Review Group; James Hurt seconded the motion. The motion was approved by all members present.
    3. 2023 TAMC Conference – Gloria Strong
      1. MIC and WAMC decided not to do a joint conference with TAMC.TAMC decided to hold a 2023 Conference. Council would like G. Strong to look at a venue in Grand Rapids, MI instead of Traverse City and for the first two weeks in October instead of the first two weeks of September 2023.Eric Mullen will contact MDOT Finance to check if the funds allotted for the FY2022 conferences can be used in FY 2023.James Hurt offered to assist G. Strong with contacting Experience Grand Rapids to locate a venue.
    4. TAMC Coordinator Update – Process, Award, Next Steps – Eric Mullen
      1. HRC, out of the Bloomfield Hills Office, has been chosen as the new vendor to work with the TAMC as coordinator. Once MDOT receives the signed three-year contract from HRC, the proposal will be sent to the MDOT April Ad Board for their review and approval. HRC would like to attend the May 3, 2023, TAMC Strategic Planning Session to get an idea of TAMC expectations. The Strategic Planning Session is an Open Meeting, and open to the public. The earliest HRC will begin is late April. A meeting will need to be held to go over roles and responsibilities of MDOT, TAMC, support staff, and HRC.J. Johnson is working on a TAMC Governance document, so everyone understands their roles. She will work with E. Mullen on this.
  8. New Business
    1. Resignation of TAMC Member Robert Green received by email March 13, 2023, and effective March 6, 2023.
  9. Committee Updates
    1. Bridge Committee Update – K. Jones/A. Green/James Hurt
      1. March 2023 Bridge Committee Meeting was cancelled.
    2. ACE Committee Update – R. Buck/Jacob Hurt/James Hurt/R. Surber
      1. Action: Jacob Hurt has been elected as new chair. Revised TAMP policy was distributed via EGov Delivery. Reviewed Annual Report.
    3. Data Committee Update – B. McEntee/J. Tubbs/R. Slattery/R. Surber
      1. Reviewed Annual Report and Investment Strategy slides. Pete Toroloa gave same presentation as provided today to the Council. Placed two graphs from the presentation in the Annual Report.
  10. Public Comments
    1. Action: C. Granger informed the Council that the Local Road Warranty Projects required check box has been placed in the IRT. Does not come out of the TAMC budget. The Auditor General instructed MDOT to add to the IRT. The Act 51 Team was audited to do this. The Council feels any changes to the IRT should be presented to the TAMC. Who will be communicating this to the agencies? MDOT will be running the reports. This will need to be added to the training. Eric Mullen will double check on the process and the expectations of TAMC for the Warranty Projects.
    2. CSS updated the IRT for TAMP revision submissions and updates.CSS was allocated $70,000 for culvert enhancements. They are close to being complete. The Bridge Committee Culvert Sub-group has been included in the decision making for this task.
  11. Member Comments
    1. Action: Council members continue to be encouraged to volunteer to do the 15-minute training presentations. It helps with the relationship with the TAMC stakeholders. It may have to be changed where HRC or a recording is used. Eric Mullen will check to see if Council members will be reimbursed to travel to trainings and do the 15-minute training presentations. ACE Committee to possibly review if Council members should still participate in TAMC trainings.
    2. Tim Colling will be moderating the May 3, 2023, TAMC Strategic Planning Session.
  12. Adjournment
    1. The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
    2. Next TAMC Strategic Work Program Meeting, Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. MDOT Aeronautics Bldg., 2nd Floor Commission Conference Room, 2700 Port Lansing Road, Lansing, MI. Moderator: Tim Colling, MTU.
    3. Next TAMC Meeting, Wednesday, June 7, 2023, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. MDOT Aeronautics Building, 2nd Floor Commission Conference Room, 2700 Port Lansing Road, Lansing, MI.
    4. TAMC/MIC/WAMC Joint Meeting, Thursday, June 8, 2023- 9:30 a.m. Michigan Department of Treasury Operations Center 7285 Parsons Drive, Dimondale, MI.