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Detroit FRC School District Meeting Minutes November 14 2022

Detroit Financial Review Commission


Monday, November 14, 2022

Following the City’s Regular Meeting

(Begins no earlier than 1:05 p.m.)

Microsoft Teams


Approved December 19, 2022

  1. Call to Order
    1. Madame Chair, Rachael Eubanks called the meeting to order at 1.17 p.m.
  2. Roll Call
    1. Let the record show that 6 Commission members eligible to vote on matters relating to DPSCD were present. A quorum was present.
  3. Approval of proposed Minutes from the FRC’s October 31, 2022, School District Monthly Meeting
    1. Motion made by Commissioner and supported by Commissioner to approve the draft minutes of the Commission’s October 31, 2022, School District Meeting. The Commission approved the minutes of the October 31, 2022, meeting as presented.
  4. Executive Director’s Report
    1. Patrick Dostine, Executive Director, informed the meeting that in reviewing the Community District’s monthly report, ending September 30, 2022, the Community District continues to pay its debt obligations, remains in compliance, and there is no reason to consider rescinding the waiver at this time.
  5. Old Business
    1. None
  6. New Business:
    1. Consideration of 2023 Regular Meeting Schedule (FRC School District Resolution 2022-1)
      1. Motion made by Commissioner Harkins and supported by Commissioner Rose to approve the FRC’s 2023 Regular Meeting schedule (FRC School District Resolution 2022-1) The Commission approved School District’s Resolution 2022-1 as presented.
    2. School District’s Year-three Waiver Renewal Request – Presentation
      1. Jeremy Vidito, CFO gave a detailed presentation to the FRC Commission. The presentation included an overview of: DPSCD’s staffing levels and union agreements; student enrollment and FTEs; a summary of the adopted FY 23 budget; the projected budget outlook, which included five-year revenue and expenditure projections; facility master plan; DPS/DPSCD’s financial audit results, and DPSCD’s finance & procurement key performance indicators.
      2. Mr. Vidito also stated that DPS continued to maintain a balanced budget in FY 22 and made all operating and capital debt payments on-time. He further reported that the district is facing procurement challenges similar to companies across the country and stated that the district has leveraged available COVID revenue to, among other things, cover increased costs.
      3. Mr. Vidito informed the meeting that DPS and DPSCD completed the FY ’22 audit with zero audit findings. He concluded that both DPS and DPSCD have met all the requirements in Section 8 (2) of Act 181 of 2014 for year-three waivers. He addressed questions from the commission.
  7. Public Comment
    1. Michelle George
  1. Next Meeting Date
  2. Adjournment



Roll Call:

Members Present:

  • Dr. Barnwell
  • Rachael Eubanks
  • Chris Harkins
  • Jay Rising (non-voting on DPSCD matters)
  • Ron Rose
  • Jeremy Vidito
  • John Walsh

Members Absent:

  • David Nicholson
  • Angelique Peterson-Mayberry
  • Mary Sheffield

FRC School District Monthly Meeting

Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD)

Resolution Roll Call

Monday, November 14, 2022

FRC 11/14/2022



Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD)


(Approval request for FRC/ DPS/DPSCD’s 2023 meeting schedule)

Roll Call

Dr. Barnwell


Ms. Eubanks


Mr. Harkins


Mr. Nicholson


Ms. Peterson-Mayberry


Mr. Rose


Mr. Vidito


Mr. Walsh
