CVTRS - 1% Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CVTRS-CLFRF)
For fiscal year (FY) 2024, the Legislature passed the City, Village and Township Revenue Sharing - 1% Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CVTRS-CLFRF) program.
Each city, village, or township that received a FY 2023 CVTRS payment is eligible to receive a CVTRS-CLFRF (Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund) payment equal to 1% of the local unit's eligible FY 2023 ongoing CVTRS payment amount.
To qualify for this payment, each eligible local unit must:
- Meet all the City, Village and Township Revenue Sharing (CVTRS) program requirements (CVTRS/CIP Certification Form 4886, Debt Service Report, and Projected Budget Report);
- "Fully Obligate" or expend by December 31, 2023, or have declined, the total amount of 2021 American Rescue Plan Act funds (Public Law 117-2) allocated to the local unit;
- Submit a CVTRS/CRS-CLFRF Certification Form 6056 to the Michigan Department of Treasury by March 30, 2024
Below is a link to the Detailed Guidance emailed to each eligible local unit on September 21, 2023.