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I am a licensee with multiple licenses that does not track all disbursements by license type, so some of the disbursements made cover more than one license that I hold. How should those disbursements be reported on the P3 Schedule of Disbursements?

For Fiscal Year 2020: The disbursement should be reported on the P3 Schedule of Disbursements for the first license for which it was randomly selected.  If the same disbursement is randomly selected while the CPA is conducting Procedure 3 for another license, the CPA should randomly select a new disbursement to replace it.  The disbursement should only be reported on one P3 Schedule of Disbursements.

For Fiscal Year 2021: The disbursement should be reported on the P3 Schedule of Disbursements for the first license type for which it was randomly selected.  If the same disbursement is randomly selected while the CPA is conducting Procedure 3 for another license type, the CPA should randomly select a new disbursement to replace it.  The disbursement should only be reported on one P3 Schedule of Disbursements.

For licensees that hold both medical and adult-use licenses, disbursements must be tracked separately for medical and adult-use licenses. Only disbursements pertaining to the medical license should be reported on the medical AFS report .