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File a Complaint

To file a complaint against marijuana businesses, i.e. medical marijuana facilities and adult-use marijuana establishments, click on the link below. Please include the name of the business, address, phone number, and any persons associated to your complaint with an explanation of the nature of complaint.  This information will assist our investigators to contact you for additional information.

If you prefer to remain anonymous, your contact information is not required on the complaint form. However, if you are willing to talk to the CRA if we have additional questions, please include your contact information.

Licensees reporting to the agency any action by another party or employee in violation of the acts or rules, an unwanted fire, or any theft or loss of any marihuana product or criminal activity at the marihuana business must follow the reporting form process. For more information on the reporting form process, please visit our amendments webpage for instructions.

Online Complaint System

If you need assistance in filing your online complaint please see the additional resources below.  

Citizens Guide to Filing a Complaint

Complaint Guidelines

Agency Information Outside of CRA for Complaints

How to verify a licensee