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Does a microbusiness have to operate in an area zoned for industrial or agricultural use?


Pursuant to Rule 5(7) in the Marihuana Licensees Rule Set (R 420.105(7)), “a marihuana microbusiness license is subject to all applicable provisions in the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act (MRTMA) and the rules related to a marihuana grower, marihuana retailer, and marihuana processor license except for R 420.102(8).” Specifically, Rule 2(8) in the Marihuana Licensees Rule Set (R 420.102(8)) exempts microbusinesses from having to operate in an area that is zoned for industrial or agricultural use.

However, please note that a microbusiness is still subject to the requirements of any municipal ordinances established under Section 9(3) of the MRTMA.