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FAQ Videos

Michigan Achievement Scholarship Word Mark
The Michigan Achievement Scholarship awards up to $27,500 to eligible Michigan high school grads, no matter their GPA. It’s just one of the scholarships available to those completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA unlocks access to a wide array of college funding, including federal, state and college-specific loans, grants, work-study programs and scholarships. And remember, grants and scholarships are free money for college; they don’t have to be paid back! Want to know more about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship and the FAFSA? We’ve got answers to your most frequently asked questions.

Michigan Achievement Scholarship Videos

Can the Michigan Achievement Scholarship be used with other financial aid?

Do I have to submit an application to be considered for the Michigan Achievement Scholarship?

Does the Michigan Achievement Scholarship last for only one year?

How much money could my student actually receive through the Michigan Achievement Scholarship?

Is there a deadline for the Michigan Achievement Scholarship?

I’ve been hearing all about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship. What is it?

I don’t think I am going to qualify for the Michigan Achievement Scholarship. Should I even bother filling it out?

What happens if I receive a Michigan Achievement Scholarship? What do I do next?

What if I’m interested in a career training program? Can I still receive the Michigan Achievement Scholarship?

FAFSA Videos

What is the FAFSA

How do I find out how much aid I will receive?

I don’t think I am going to qualify for any financial aid. Should I even bother filling it out?

I thought the FAFSA only gave me access to government loans. Is that the case?

Is consent to use IRS income information required?

Is it hard to fill out the FAFSA?

Is there a deadline for completing the FAFSA?

What materials do I need to complete the FAFSA?

What’s the first step in completing the FAFSA?