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Treasury Forms Search and Instructions

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Property Tax and Local Government Forms and Instructions

Abatement / Exemption Forms

Accounting/Auditing Forms

Applications for Deferment of Summer Taxes and Relief During Active Military Service

Assessor Forms

Board of Review Forms

Business Taxpayer Forms

Calculation of PPT Reimbursements

Classification Appeals

Computerized Database System Assessment Roll Forms

Computerized Tax Roll Re-Certification Forms

Court Transmittal Forms


Forfeiture & Foreclosure (County Treasurer Resource Forms)

Incorrectly Reported and/or Omitted (MCL 211.154) Forms

Individual Taxpayer Forms

Industrial Facility Tax Forms

Local Government Officials Forms

Local Retirement Reporting Forms and Instructions

Millage & Millage Rollbacks Forms

Municipal Finance Forms

Principal Residence Exemption Forms

Property Transfer Forms

Qualified Agricultural Property Exemption Forms

Qualified Forest Exemption Forms

Real and Personal Property Statements

State Assessed Property Forms

State Real Estate Transfer Forms

Supportive Housing Exemption Documents Forms

Taxable Value Forms

Record Retention Schedules for Local Governments

"General Retention Schedules" cover records that are common to a particular type of local government agency, such as a county clerk or a school district. However, general schedules may not address every single record that a particular agency may have in its possession. For more information visit the Record Retention Schedules for Local Governments for retention and disposal guidelines.

Property Tax Information

More detailed information and guidance related to property tax matters can be found on the Property Tax Section of the Michigan Taxes website and on the State Tax Commission's website.

Beginning with the summer 2007 property tax collection, the State of Michigan will not be collecting summer taxes for any local unit. Taxpayers in Clayton Charter Township (Genesee County) or in Sanilac County (Lamotte Township, Moore Township, Washington Township, and the City of Sandusky), your local treasurer will be collecting your summer property taxes. State Treasurer's Certification Letter of the SET Levy has more information regarding local unit tax collection.

Note: Are you a homeowner filing your Individual Income Taxes? You may be looking for information on the Homestead Property Tax Credit and the Principal Residence Exemption.

State Education Tax Act (SET) requires that the property be assessed at 6 mills as part of summer property taxes. Summer property taxes are usually due by September 14. Generally, your treasurer (township, city, or county) will be collecting your summer property taxes.