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ESP Wellness Webinars for Managers

The Employee Service Program (ESP) offers presentations designed to increase knowledge and skills for managers related to important workplace issues and challenges and also improve wellness. Presentations are available on a variety of topics and provided at no cost at your worksite or by webinar. ESP sessions can be modified in length to fit the time available, generally between 60 and 90 minutes.

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ESP also offers several Wellness Sessions for employees. A listing of all the current Wellness Sessions for employees and their descriptions can be found at ESP Wellness Webinars.

For more information regarding Wellness Sessions or to discuss scheduling a presentation at your location please contact the Lansing ESP Office at 517-284-0137 or email

Important: Please note that this is not a confidential email address. It is only to be used by managers interested in scheduling an ESP Wellness Session and is not to be used for individual confidential questions or concerns.