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Lead Hazard Risk Assessment

Requirements of Licensing Rule 400.8380(8)

Before an original provisional license may be issued for a center located in a building constructed prior to 1978, the center applicant must submit a lead hazard risk assessment report indicating the proposed child use space, including outdoor play areas, is safe. Note: Paint, dust and soil must be tested for a lead hazard risk assessment. Water testing is optional but may be requested. The Lead Hazard Risk Assessment Summary (BCAL-4344) form must be included with the lead hazard risk assessment to document compliance with this rule.

The lead hazard risk assessment must be conducted by a certified risk assessor. View a list of certified lead risk assessors.

Note: Centers that serve only school-age children and operate in school buildings are exempt from this requirement.

What is a lead hazard risk assessment?

A lead hazard risk assessment is an on-site investigation to determine the existence, nature, severity, and location of lead-based paint hazards. Only deteriorated (peeling, chipping, cracking, etc.) paint and any paint that is going to be disturbed as part of planned renovation or repair project will be tested for lead-based paint. The lead risk assessor must also test any other surface for lead if the surface is determined to be a potential lead-based paint hazard, such as friction surfaces of windows and impact surfaces on doors and doorframes.

The lead hazard risk assessment report provides options for what must be done to fix any lead-based paint hazards found during the lead hazard risk assessment.

Does a lead hazard risk assessment identify all lead-based paint?

No. Because only deteriorated paint, paint that will be disturbed, and other potential hazard areas are tested for lead-based paint, a lead hazard risk assessment alone will not identify all lead painted surfaces. It is recommended that a lead-based paint inspection be done in conjunction with the lead hazard risk assessment. A combination lead-based paint inspection and a lead hazard risk assessment will identify all lead-based paint and all lead-based paint hazards.

Best Practices for Continued Lead Safety

Lead hazard risk assessments only assess lead-based paint hazards present at the time of the inspection. If lead-based paint is identified, but it isn’t a hazard at the time of the inspection, the risk assessor will include in the assessment report reevaluation and ongoing monitoring information. This usually means that every six months to one year someone from the child care center (director, maintenance person, custodian, etc.), should check that all identified lead painted surfaces are still intact.

If a lead-based paint inspection was not done or if it was done and lead paint was found, it is further recommended that a lead hazard risk assessment be done every two to three years by a certified risk assessor to ensure no hazards have developed.

Additional Lead Resources

For more information, go to

What You Can Expect from a Lead Paint Risk Assessment

Complaints about improper work practices can be made by calling the Healthy Homes Section at 866-691-5323 or 517-335-9390.