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Sixty by 30 Student Success Grants

Graduation Cap and Gown

Sixty by 30 Student Success Grants

Student Success Grant Overview

Thank you to all our 2024 grant cycle applicants. We will be making public announcements about grant awardees in the new year on a rolling basis. Stay tuned! All of the grant cycles for 2024 are officially closed and we will make announcements about any upcoming 2025 grant cycles, please sign-up for e-mail updates to keep informed. 

This guide contains an overview of five categories of new competitive grants that will become available in 2024 to grow student success at Michigan’s community and tribal colleges and universities, representing over $45 million in funding.

Our goal is to provide enough information here to empower eligible applicants to begin serious planning efforts for whatever opportunities are right for their campus.

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Grant applications are now available!

Grant Applications


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Sixty by 30 Student Success Grants Presentation Cover with an image of a graduation cap

Competitive Grant Opportunities

A clock

Quick Start

Self-assessment, planning, elevation of student voice. Helping colleges hone their strategy for student success.


College Success

Three levels of grants that help colleges scale student success reforms and increase graduation rates.


Barrier Removal - Direct to Students

Emergency grants and other direct aid to students to eliminate financial barriers to completion.


Barrier Removal - Growing Institutional Capacity

Developing supportive policies and practices for students struggling to meet basic needs.

An icon showing networking.

Reconnect Community Action Grants

Growing community support and partnership for post-secondary learning pathways.

Grant Criteria

Specific evaluation criteria in each grant category can be found in each application. But across all opportunities, proposals will be evaluated based on: 

  • Commitment to centering the interests and experiences of learners 
  • Commitment to the courageous examination of the impacts of institutional policies and practices on the experiences and outcomes of students
  • Commitment to approaching students from an asset-based perspective and to being tenacious in the work of removing institutional barriers to student success.
  • Commitment to rigorously evaluating impact and sharing learning
  • Demonstration of awareness of evidence-based best practices, research, and other networks/resources available
Two People looking at a book in a library
EGrAMS Grant Portal Training Video

EGrAMS Grant Portal Training

The Sixty by 30 team in partnership with EGrAMS hosted a training for future applicants eligible for the Sixty by 30 Student Success Competitive Grants to learn about the process for applying through the grants application portal.

Informational Webinar

The Sixty by 30 team hosted a webinar to share five categories of new competitive grants that will become available in 2024 to grow student success at Michigan’s community and tribal colleges and universities, representing over $45 million in funding.
Informational Webinar Video

Additional Resources

Stay Updated

We encourage you to sign up for our email alerts to be the first to hear about deadlines, frequently asked questions and more. 

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How to Find Out More

Grad Caps

Information in this guide is subject to change as we learn from the process. The final applications, when released, will serve as the primary information source for each opportunity.

  • Webinars: stay tuned for future webinars on each grant opportunity as it is released.
  • Office hours: Support Office Hours are on hold until new grant cycles are announced.
  • Subscribe: to ensure you have the most up-to-date information on our competitive grants, sign up for updates.
  • Contact: all questions related to our grants can be sent to