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Out-of-School Time Grants
Out-of-School Time Grants
Out-of-School Time (OST) Grants Information
2024-2025 FY Grant Opportunity
The Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP) is pleased to announce the availability of $57 million in grant funds to provide in-person before-school, after-school, before-and-after-school, and/or summer programming to children and youth in any of grade's K to 12. This grant opportunity will be awarded through a competitive application process under Michigan Public Act (P.A.) 120 of 2024, Section 32n.
MiLEAP will once again be using the Michigan Department of Education’s (MDE) Grant Electronic Monitoring Systems (GEMS) for the application process. The 32n OST Grant opportunity window is open from Monday, August 26, 2024, to Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Applications must be submitted in GEMS to the MiLEAP OST Team by 12:00 p.m., September 25, 2024. No late applications will be accepted after this deadline. Questions regarding this grant announcement may be emailed to
Eligible Applicants to apply for 32n Out-of-School Time Grants:
An eligible applicant must be a:
- community-based organization that is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 USC 501, including but not limited to:
- faith-based organizations
- indigenous/tribal organizations
- an institution of higher education (Community College or University)
- a public library
- a local government (ex.Community Recreation Department)
- or an intermediate district.
An eligible applicant must be a licensed childcare organization (for before/after school, school-age program, or camp license), an entity that has an active application to be a licensed childcare organization, or an exempt entity from childcare licensing by the State of Michigan Licensing Bureau 1973 PA 116, MCL 722.111 to 722.128. Upon award, programs with an active childcare or camp licensing application must complete the process before the entity starts service and funds will be released.
Program Sites must provide OST programming, at the minimum to consider applying:
• At least 80 days of program services during the school year for at least 15 students
• 1 hour before school or
• 2 hours afterschool, or
• 3.5 hours for both (before-and-after-school),
• And/or at least 4 hours per day for a minimum of 24 days during the summer for at least 15 students
The "Intent to Apply" has officially closed. To receive access to the application, please email with the following information:
1. Legal Name of Organization
2. MiLogin for Business User ID (username)
3. Contact name for Authorized Official
4. Contact name email
MiLEAP-OST Team will be providing Grant RFP Technical Assistance #7 Wednesday Sept. 18, 2024, at 10:00 AM. and Grant RFP Technical Assistance #8 Thursday Sept. 19, 2024, at 2:00 PM. Please click on link(s)
Resources for 2024-2025 32n Out-of-School Time Grants Application:
2024-25 OST Grant Application and Forms (for review only)
2024-25 Checklist for OST Grant Application
32n Program Site Grant Funding Chart
B-2 Program Building Verification Form
2024-25 B1-Program Site Information Spreadsheet for 6 or more sites.
32n 2024-25 OST Grant Glossary
Fall 2023 Free & Reduced District Percentage
Additional Grant Information:
To view video presentation of the Grant Orientation and Webinar, Click here VIDEO WEBINAR.
Slide Presentation of Grant Orientation and Webinar
please click here to review Technical Assistance session on Grant Electronic Monitoring System (GEMS)
Allowable Use of Grant Funds 2024-25
Licensing Resources
Out-of-School Time Programs Information:
- Current Programs
Step by Step Guide to Licensing:
Resource Guide to Child Care Licensure in Michigan
Program Quality
- Licensing Rules for Child Care Centers
- Camp Licensing
- Michigan Out of School Time (MOST) Standards of Quality
Additional Resources
- Child and Adult Care Food Program
- Michigan’s Top 10 Strategic Education Plan
- Michigan Youth Development Associate Certificate and Credential Program (MI-YDA)
Statewide Technical Assistance Partners
Regional Technical Assistance Partners
- The Youth Development Resource Center (YDRC) (Detroit Area)
- The ELO Network (Expanded Learning Opportunities) (Grand Rapids Area)
- KYD Network (Kalamazoo Youth Development Network) (Kalamazoo & Calhoun Counties)
After-school Websites
- Afterschool Alliance
- American Institutes for Research
- EduPaths Out-of-School Time Courses
- Michigan Afterschool Partnership
- National Institute on Out-of-School Time
- National Afterschool Association
- SEDL Afterschool Training Toolkit
- You For Youth (Y4Y) Online Professional Development
Contact Information
Deondra Ramsey, OST Grants Manager
Juan Ruiz, OST Grants Education Consultant
Willie Buford, OST Grants Education Consultant
To contact Michigan's Out-of-School Time Grants team, please email us at