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How do I submit program director credentials for approval?

Before hiring a new program director, the center must submit the cre­dentials of the proposed program director to the department. The department must review the proposed program director's credentials and give approval prior to the center hiring the individual as the program director.

To have a program director approved, the following documents must be submitted to the center's licensing consultant:

  • A completed Child Care Licensing Information Request (BCHS-CC 001) form for the proposed program director.
  • Have the proposed Program Director complete the Consent and Disclosure form. You must maintain a copy of this form upon completion.
  • Enter the proposed Program Director into the Child Care Background Check (CCBC) System at:
  • Schedule the applicant for fingerprinting through the CCBC System.
  • A copy of the proposed program director's transcripts.
    • If the proposed program director will qualify under 400.8113(7)(b,c, d, e, f) or 400.8113(8)(b, d-g) indicate which courses the center believes qualify. The course must be specifically labeled in the title as child development or early childhood education course for programs serving children of all ages or a child-related field for school-age only programs. If it does not, the course catalog description or course syllabus must be provided and must demonstrate that the course content specifically addresses child development, early childhood education or for school-only programs, other child-related fields.
  • A copy of any applicable credentials, e.g., Montessori credential, child development associate credential, School-Age/Youth Development credential.
  • Documentation of how the proposed program director meets the child care administration course requirement - at least 2 semester hours or 3.0 CEUs in child care administration or an administrative credential approved by the department or 30 hours of administrative training from MiRegistry to meet these requirements. Child care administration means child care administration, education administration or business administration. Documentation includes the following:
    • A copy of the proposed program director's transcripts.
    • Written documentation of completed CEUs.
    • Copy of the administrative credential.
    • Documentation in MiRegistry.
  • Documentation of applicable hours of experience. Documentation must be proof of previous or current license as a family or group child care home or written verification from previous employer(s), internships, volunteer experiences, etc.

When submitting transcripts, official transcripts, copies of transcripts and those stamped "Issued to Student" are acceptable. Those down­loaded from a school's website are not acceptable.

If the center is unsure if the proposed program director meets the education requirements of subrules (7) or (8) of this rule, the pro­posed program director can wait to be fingerprinted until after the licensing consultant reviews the proposed program director's creden­tials.