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FY25-27 CCDF Consultation & Hearings 

Michigan’s Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) State Plan – DRAFT FY25-FY27

The Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) helps promote families’ economic self-sufficiency by making child care more affordable. It also fosters healthy child development and school success by improving the quality of early learning and after-school programs. Over the years, significant advancements have been made possible through CCDF funds, including defining health and safety requirements for childcare providers, outlining family-friendly eligibility policies, and ensuring parents and the general public have transparent information about child care choices. 
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Brewer Walraven, Director, Child Development and Care, Office of Early Childhood Education, Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement and Potential, Office (517) 241-9492, Direct Line (517) 241-6950, Cell (517)275-2220,


Michigan’s Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) State Plan – DRAFT FY25-FY27