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Quick Start Grants

Funding to undergo an action-oriented assessment process to strengthen grounding in student experience and/or develop a coherent and strategic approach for removing institutional barriers to student success. Can also help prepare IHEs to apply for a larger grant in the College Success or Barrier Removal – Growing Institutional Capacity category in a later window.

2024 Application Overview     Application Portal      2024 Informational Webinar

Eligible Applicants

  • Community Colleges
  • Tribal Colleges
  • Public Colleges and Universities
  • Nonprofit Organizations partnering with a College/University

2024 Grant Award Amounts and Timeline

  • $50,000-$75,000
  • 6-8 months

Application Windows

  • Not accepting applications at this time.

This paper form application is for planning purposes only. Please do not submit a paper application. Submit your application through the EGrAMS Portal.

Application Portal

Evaluation Criteria

Requesting Funds to Elevate Students

For proposals requesting funds for efforts to elevate student voice and experience and/or engage in an action-oriented self-assessment process:

  1. An understanding of the role of student experience data in building institution-wide awareness and urgency around the need for a grounded student success strategy.
  2. If applicable, the quality of self-assessment tool or process selected
  3. A plan for disseminating and using the information gleaned through quantitative and qualitative research to engage faculty, staff, and administrators around key improvement opportunities.

Requesting Funds to Engage

For proposals requesting funds to engage in a planning phase for larger College Success or Barrier Removal grants:

  1. A clear plan for developing a strong and strategic proposal grounded in data and evidence.
  2. The presence of a logical design, including a core team that includes both front-line faculty/staff and senior administrators with decision-making authority.