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Reconnect Community Action Grants

Application Overview        Grant Application Portal

Eligible Applicants

  • Community Colleges in Partnership with County Government
  • Tribal Colleges in Partnership with County Government

Grant Award Amounts and Timelines

  • Reconnect Entry Point Collaborative:
    • $100,000-$300,000
    • 1-3 years
  • College and Career Navigator Support:
    • $200,000-$1,000,000
    • 2-3 years

Application Windows

This paper form application is for planning purposes only. Please do not submit a paper application.

Application Portal

Reconnect Community Action Grants

  • Community and tribal colleges are invited to submit one application for projects that will utilize funds from one or both of the relevant funding sources (Reconnect Entry Point Collaboratives; College and Career Navigation, see following page).
  • Successful grants will have robust partnership from county government and other community-based partners, with demonstrated engagement of those partners at the leadership, strategy, and implementation levels. While the funding will be awarded to colleges, the goal is to increase the engagement of community leadership outside of higher ed in supporting post-secondary achievement. Regranting to community partners is expected.
  • Wherever possible, governmental bodies, tribal governments, Michigan Works! Agencies, Intermediate School Districts, Local College Access Networks, adult ed providers, and business and economic development organizations should be collaborative participants. If multiple colleges are in an application’s geography, they should be part of one application.

Reconnect Community Action Grants

Reconnect Entry Point Collaboratives

This funding will support county-wide or regional efforts to increase college enrollment, with a critical, but not necessarily exclusive, focus on growing adult enrollment target Reconnect “conversion”.

Collaboratives must include efforts to set a feasible local 2030 attainment goal and develop and implement strategies to meet the goal.

Emphasis should be on strategic action to meet community needs and reduce barriers to college enrollment and persistence.

College and Career Navigators

This funding will support college and career navigators connected to a county or regional collaborative effort pursuing a local educational attainment goal.

Navigators should be connected to community colleges to support adult students, but able to provide guidance about a range of post-secondary options. They will not necessarily be staff at colleges but placed with county governments or community partners and within a framework of connectivity to local employers.