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Energy Waste Reduction (EWR) Collaborative

2020-08-18T00:00:00Z 2020-08-18T00:00:00Z Energy Waste Reduction (EWR) Collaborative


This is a meeting of the Energy Waste Reduction (EWR) Collaborative Workgroup.

Join Microsoft Teams meeting
Join by phone: +1 (248) 509-0316; Conference ID 872 977 793#

*Please be advised, while this meeting is open to all stakeholders, this meeting is technical in nature and related to design, implementation, measurement, evaluation and verification of utility EWR programs and has been an ongoing effort since 2009. 


Teleconference Only
Teleconference Only
Event Date

Start: August 18, 2020 12:00 AM

End: August 18, 2020 12:00 AM


This is a meeting of the Energy Waste Reduction (EWR) Collaborative Workgroup.

Join Microsoft Teams meeting
Join by phone: +1 (248) 509-0316; Conference ID 872 977 793#

*Please be advised, while this meeting is open to all stakeholders, this meeting is technical in nature and related to design, implementation, measurement, evaluation and verification of utility EWR programs and has been an ongoing effort since 2009.