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Inquiries & Complaints

About the Complaint Process

The MPSC strives to protect the public by ensuring safe, reliable, and accessible energy and telecommunications services at reasonable rates for Michigan's residents.  One way the MPSC does this is through the customer complaint process.  Through both the informal and formal complaint process, the MPSC works to ensure the Administrative Rules and Laws are being followed. Complaints related to natural gas, electricity, telecommunications, video/cable, and damage prevention can help resolve issues and disputes with service providers. 

When filing a complaint, you acknowledge and agree that all data, including personally identifiable information, which have been provided in the complaint may be released by the MPSC to the utility and to the utility's representatives in order to investigate and process your complaint.

If you are struggling to pay your utility, telephone, or broadband bills, click here.

File an Informal Complaint

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The Informal Complaint Process

All informal electric, natural gas, telecommunications, and video complaints received at the MPSC will be processed in accordance with the appropriate rules and laws. 

When you contact the MPSC with a complaint, it will be sent to the company for an investigation. The company has up to 10 business days (2 weeks) to investigate and work towards a resolution. During this time the company may be in touch with you. At the conclusion of the company’s investigation, they will provide the MPSC with a thorough and detailed response at which time the MPSC will conduct a review to ensure that it is in accordance with all enforceable rules and regulations. The MPSC will then communicate the findings of the informal complaint with you.

Consumer Standards and Billing Practices for Electrical and Gas Residential Service 

File your complaint by:

File a Complaint by Web

Note: Complaints filed by web are automatically shared, including personally identifiable information, such as: name, address, phone, and email, with utilities for more expedient resolution. Please use one of the options below to make an anonymous complaint.

Call your Gas, Electric, Video/Cable or Telephone complaints in at:


Mail your complaints to the MPSC at:

MPSC Customer Assistance
P.O. Box 30221
Lansing, MI 48909

File a Formal Complaint

If you are not satisfied with the results of an informal complaint investigation, you may pursue a formal complaint with the MPSC. Because the MPSC's authority is limited under the law, a formal complaint can only involve issues that the MPSC regulates.

The formal complaint involves a formal complaint hearing, a trial-like proceeding held before an administrative law judge. As a contested case before the Commission, a formal complaint hearing is conducted under the administrative hearing rules. For residential service complaints you may represent yourself (except in the case of an incorporated business) or hire a lawyer. If you are a small business or commercial customer, you MUST have your attorney file this information before the MPSC.  (Note:  Sole proprietor and partnerships do not need an attorney).  A lawyer or lawyers will always represent the company. As the complaining party, you must present information to prove or justify your case at a formal hearing.  You have the job of presenting the evidence to support your complaint and your requested relief.

To file a formal complaint with the MPSC, you must submit your complaint in writing (3 copies) and include:

  • The MPSC rules, laws and/or tariff provisions you believe have been violated (see links below)
  • A thorough description of your complaint (please include all details, the names and addresses of any person involved, and all disputed charges and costs)
  • What resolution you are seeking
  • All documentation or evidence you intend to use during the hearing to support your case

Additionally, when filing a formal complaint you acknowledge and agree that all data, including personally identifiable information, which have been provided in the complaint may be released by the MPSC to the utility and to the utility’s representatives in order to investigate and process your complaint.

The MPSC has complaint forms (located below) that you may use to file your formal complaint.


Related Documents

Administrative Hearing Rules and Laws

About Damage Prevention Complaints

Safe digging by marking areas with underground utilities can save lives and protect property. You can help the MPSC enforce safe digging laws.

The damage prevention complaint form may be used by property owners, excavators, utility operators, or other affected parties for both damages to underground facilities and events not involving damage such as near misses as a result of excavation or blasting.

Before filing a damage prevention complaint, a complainant must make a good faith effort to resolve the dispute with the respondent and such attempts must be documented appropriately in the complaint. Failure to attempt to resolve the dispute or document such attempts may result in the complaint process being delayed or dismissed.    

When you submit a damage prevention complaint through the MPSC’s Damage Prevention Complaint form, you will receive a system generated email notifying you that your complaint has been received.  If you need to provide attachments to support your complaint submission, you may respond directly to the email with such attachments.  You will be contacted by the MPSC after your complaint has been reviewed.  

All damage prevention complaints will be processed in accordance with the MISS DIG Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act.

Damage Prevention Complaint Form User Instructions.

File Damage Prevention Complaint

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