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Integrated Resource Planning Process

All MPSC workgroup meetings are being conducted via teleconference. Remote access information for upcoming meetings is available on our calendar of events.

Public Act 231 includes several updates to the IRP Statute including updates to the planning parameters, plan filing requirements, and considerations the Commission must review in its evaluation of the plan. The planning parameters are also required to be updated in 2025.

On February 8, 2024, the Commission initiated Case No. U-21570 to begin implementing IRP related provisions in the 2023 Clean Energy Laws.


Implementation Status: In Process

Lead Staff: Karsten Szajner & Naomi Simpson

Commission's Actions To Date

On February 8, 2024, the Commission issued an Order in Case No. U-21570 directing Staff to create this website and post redline documents by September 30, 2024. Further, the Commission directed Staff to conduct no less than two engage sessions to obtain feedback from interested persons about those proposed changes. In its order, the Commission detailed that changes regarding the implementation of Acts 231 and 235 should include the following:

1. Identification of environmental justice (EJ) communities pursuant to MCL 460.6t(1)(k);

2. An EJ analysis pursuant to MCL 460.6t(5)(p);

3. A projected long-term forecast of GHG emissions and other pollutants from power generated or purchased by the electric utility pursuant to MCL 460.6t(5)(o);

4. An analysis of how an electric utility’s plan complies with the requirements of Sections 28 and 51 of Act 235 as directed by MCL 460.6t(5)(d), which includes the creation of formats and guidelines necessary for plan submittal pursuant to Section 191(2) of Act 235;

5. Projected rate and affordability impact for the periods covered by the plan pursuant to MCL 460.6t(5)(k) and MCL 460.6t(8)(a)(viii);

6. Cost-effectiveness of the IRP pursuant to MCL 460.6t(8)(a)(ix);

7. Any necessary updates to the advisory opinion pursuant to MCL 460.6t(7)(a)(iii); and

8. How to ensure alignment of REPs, energy optimization plans, and IRPs pursuant to Acts 231 and 235.

Next Steps

Staff will post a redline of the Michigan Integrated Planning Parameters and the Integrated Resource Plan Filing Requirements on or before September 30, 2024. Staff will hold its first of two engagement meetings on October 17, 2024. The second meeting is expected to be held in Q1 of 2025. Staff will consider all comments received as part of the engagement process for inclusion in the final draft of the Michigan Integrated Resource Planning Parameters (MIRPP) and Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Filing Requirements.

Additional Resources and Filings


All Comments/Redlines (Oct 17, 2024)


October 17, 2024 (Teleconference Only)

Agenda | IRP Filing Requirements Draft | MIRPP Draft | Presentation


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