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Capacity Need Forum (U-14231)

Capacity Need Forum

On October 14, 2004 the Michigan Public Service Commission issued on it's own motion, Order U-14231 to begin an investigation into future capacity requirements.

The Capacity Need Forum (CNF) was created as a collaborative industry-wide process to assess the projected need for electrical generating capacity in Michigan over the short-, intermediate-, and long-term future. The goal is to provide policy recommendations within the current scope of the Commission's jurisdiction and under currently existing legislation, in order to assure that additional generation could be built if needed.

The final CNF Staff report is due January 3, 2006. See Capacity Need Forum Documents in the section below for Volumes 1 and 2 of the final report.

Volume 1 contains the Executive Summary, Report and Appendices A and B.
Volume 2 contains each work group final report (Appendices C-G) and CNF participant responses to Staff's Sept 05 proposal (Appendix H).

Capacity Need Forum Documents

Final Report of the CNF - Vol 1, Jan 2006 (1MB)
Final Report of the CNF - Vol 2, Jan 2006 (6MB)
CNF responses to Staff's Proposal, Sept 2005 (Appendix H)
Policy Discussion, August 25, 2005
Steering Committee Responses, August 1, 2005
Status Report, July 1, 2005

Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Presentations

CNF Chairman

George Stojic

CNF Documents

Mar 14, 2006 public hearing.
Pre-filed comments on final CNF report.
January 2006 Final Report - Vol 1
Staff's final report to the Commission on the Capacity Need Forum.
July 1, 2005 Status Report

Status update report to the Commission on the Capacity Need Forum.
December 15, 2004 presentation
Summary of U-14231 and creation of Capacity Needs Forum outline.
Order U-14231Commission's own motion to begin an investigation into future capacity requirements.


The Demand work group is responsible for creating a consensus load forecast. Forecasting methodology and assumptions should be identified and as consistent as possible. Energy efficiency should also be taken into consideration.

Demand Work Group Documents

Final Report of Demand Work Group - Jan, 2006 (Appendix D)
Michigan Demand and Energy Forecast as of May 17, 05
Michigan High Growth Demand and Energy Forecast - May 17, 05
Michigan Low Growth Demand and Energy Forecast - May 17, 05
Demand and Energy Forecast Assumptions
DTE's Economic Parameter Assumptions
CE's Economic Parameter Assumptions

Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Presentations

CNF Update Chairman

Eric Baker, Wolverine Power
Don Mazuchowski

Work Group Members

Demand Members

Upcoming Events

Demand Group Meeting
No additional meetings scheduled

Other Information

Summary '04 NRG Efficiency Studies

NEDRI's Jul 2003 report

ACEEE's Jan 2005 paper

MI Electric Sales 1982 - 2004

MPSC Staff Electric Sales Forecast

Central Station

The Central Station Resource working group is responsible for compiling the current inventory of central station generation in Michigan. In addition, this working group is responsible for identifying new, potential central station generating options for consideration in modeling future electric generating needs in Michigan. The Central Station Resource group will estimate the capital, fuel, and O&M expenses of new central station options along with operating characteristics of those options.

Central Station Work Group Documents

Final Report of Central Sta. Work Group - Jan, 2006 (Appendix E)

Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Presentations

Chairman and Staff Co-Chair

Robert Palmer, DTE Energy
John King

Workgroup Members

Other Generation Members

Upcoming Events

Central Station Meeting
No additional meetings scheduled

Other Information

IGCC Incentives

Power Plant Cost Data

Other Gen

The Other Generation Resource Option Group is responsible for compiling an inventory of existing renewable energy, distributed, combined heat and power, and other generation resources in Michigan. The group is also responsible for identifying and compiling data on new renewable, distributed, CHP, and new, innovative electric generating facilities that are likely to be available to meet Michigan's electric generating capacity needs. The Other Generation Resource Option work group will also provide estimates for the capacity potential for renewable resources, investment costs, operating costs, and operating characteristics.

Other Generation Work Group Documents

Final Report of Other Gen. Work Group - Jan, 2006 (Appendix F)
Michigan CHP Supply Document, June 3, 2005
Wind - Capacity Factors, June 2005
Wind - MI Energy Potential 2006-2020, DRAFT Jun 14, 2005
Emerging Energy Technologies (Word), DRAFT June 16, 2005
Landfill Gas Data, Mar 31, 2005
Anaerobic Digestion - Summary report, Mar 31, 2005
Anaerobic Digest'n - Co. Index of Prospective Cattle Farms, Jun 05

Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Presentations

Chairman and Staff Co-Chair

Don Johns, Enstar Energy
Mark Nida

Workgroup Members

Other Generation Members

Upcoming Events

Other Generation Meeting
No additional meetings scheduled

Other Information

Emissions from Green Power Facilities

Landfill Gas to Energy (LFGTE) Ag Biogas Casebook - 2004 Update Wind Capacity Credits draft document Wind Capacity Credits presentation Potential for MI Offshore Wind Energy

Transmission and Distribution

The Transmission and Distribution work group is responsible for compiling information on existing transmission capacity. The group is also responsible for identifying any plans for immediate increase in capacity and to identify potential transmission investment options that can be used if additional electric capacity is needed.

Transmission & Distribution Work Group Documents

Final Report of T & D Work Group - Jan, 2006 (Appendix G)
Transmission Transfer Capability in Michigan - Draft Aug 17, 2005
Transfer capability results, August 17, 2005
Revised Ball and Stick diagram can be found on Integration page
Draft charts of Transfer Capabilities into L. Penin as of May 10, 2005
Preliminary Transfer Capability Results Summary as of Mar 8, 2005

Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Presentations

Chairman and Staff Co-Chair

Tom Vitez, ITC Transmission
Pete Derkos

Work Group Members


Upcoming Events

No additional meetings scheduled


The Integration work group is responsible for modeling and scenario development. This group will take the demand forecast and combine it with the inventory of existing resources to determine when a capacity need is likely to develop and the characteristics of the capacity need. In addition, they will develop a set of scenarios likely to have a significant impact on the modeling results and provide an assessment of the scenarios.

Integration Group Documents

Final Report of the Integ. Work Group - Jan, 2006 (Appendix C)
Proposed estimates of Mercury emissions by plant, revised 6/23/05
Ball and Stick diagram, revised 6/23/05
Proposed Integration modeling scenarios as of 9/22/05

Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Presentations


John Dellas, CMS Energy
Paul Proudfoot

Work Group Members

Integration Members

Upcoming Events

Integration Group Meeting
No additional meetings scheduled


March 2006

March 14, 2006 - Public hearing to provide an additional opportunity to make verbal presentations directly to the Commission on Staff's CNF report, 9:30 EST

March 1, 2006, Deadline for written comments on Staff's CNF report.

January 2006

January 3, 2006 - Final report of the CNF due to the MPSC Commission

September 2005

September 29, 2005 - Capacity Need Forum Meeting, 10:00 EDT

September 8, 2005 - Integration Committee meeting, 1:30 EDT

August 2005

August 25, 2005 - Capacity Need Forum Meeting, 1:30 EDT

August 23, 2005 - Integration Meeting, NewEnergy present draft of final results, 1:30 EDT

August 18, 2005 - Transmission/Distribution work group conference call - 10:00 EDT

August 15, 2005 - Integration Meeting with NewEnergy, 10:00 EDT, Web castConference Call

August 9, 2005 - Integration Meeting with NewEnergy, 10:00 EDT, Conference Call

August 4, 2005 - Integration Meeting with NewEnergy, 10:00 EDT, Conference Call

August 4, 2005 - Transmission/Distribution Conference Call - Postponed until August 18 @ 10 EDT

July 2005

July 25, 2005 - Integration Meeting 1-3 EDT, NewEnergy modeling update

July 18, 2005 - Capacity Need Forum Meeting 10-12 EDT, Speaker from MISO

July 13, 2005 - Transmission/Distribution Conference Call 1:30 EDT

June 2005

June 29, 2005 - Integration Meeting 1-3, EDT

June 29, 2005 - Other Generation Conference Call 10-12:00 EDT

June 23, 2005 - Capacity Need Forum Meeting 10-12, Speaker from PJM discussing capacity markets.

June 17, 2005 - Other Generation Meeting 9-11 EDT

June 17, 2005 - Transmission/Distribution Meeting 10-12 EDT, only if needed.

June 10, 2005 - Integration Committee Meeting 10-12 EDT

June 7, 2005 - Steering Committee Meeting 1-3 EDT

June 2, 2005 - Other Generation Meeting 10-12 EDT

May 2005

May 27, 2005 - Capacity Need Forum Meeting 10-12

May 19, 2005 - Other Generation Meeting 10-12

May 17, 2005 - Central Station Meeting 10-12

May 13, 2005 - Transmission & Distribution Meeting 10-12

May 12, 2005 - Integration Committee Meeting 10-12

May 5, 2005 - Other Generation Meeting 9-11

April 2005

April 28, 2005 - Other Generation Meeting 1:30-3:30

April 27, 2005 - Steering Committee Meeting 9-11

April 22, 2005 - Capacity Need Forum Meeting 10-12

April 21, 2005 - Other Generation Meeting 10-12

April 19, 2005 - Central StationWork group Meeting 10-12

April 14, 2005 - Other Generation Meeting 1:30-3:30

April 14, 2005 - Integration Committee Meeting 10-12

April 13, 2005 - Transmission & Distribution Work group Meeting 10-12

April 11, 2005 - Demand Work group Meeting 1-3

March 2005

March 31, 2005 - Other Generation Work group Meeting 10-12

March 24, 2005 - Other Generation Work group Meeting 10-12

March 23, 2005 - Central Station Work group Meeting 10-12

March 22, 2005 - Demand Work group Meeting 10-12

March 17, 2005 - Other Generation Work group Meeting 1-3

March 15, 2005 - Steering Committee Meeting 10-12

March 11, 2005 - Transmission/Distribution Work group Meeting 10-12

March 9, 2005 - Other Generation Work group Conference Call 10:00 am

March 4, 2005 - Integration Committee Meeting 10-12

March 2, 2005 - Demand Work group Meeting 10-12