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Wind Energy Study (No Docket)

Recent Michigan and U.S. Congressional policy proposals for a possible state or national renewable portfolio standard (RPS), other energy policy changes, and possible global climate change initiatives have focused alot more attention on wind energy development.

As a result of all of this recent interest, policy makers are asking questions like these: Can the Michigan electric grid accommodate this much new wind energy development? How much grid expansion is going to be necessary to accommodate planned Michigan wind developments? How should grid improvements be scheduled and made? Who will pay for those grid improvements?

The Michigan Wind Working Group and Michigan's electric transmission owning companies and electric utility companies have indicated interest in working together cooperatively to complete one or more studies needed to help answer these questions.


Proposals and Comments

Wind units in MISO queue, 2007

Estimate of Future Wind Development Locations, Draft

Comments requested on: Estimate of Future Wind Development - Draft whitepaper

Background Info

MISO Planning for MI 
Modeling Assumptions
Wind Diversity Study
AWEA 20%Wind 
MISO Regional Study
Competitive Renewable Energy Zones in TX

Wind Study Documents

MISO's MTEP 2009 20% Renewable Future (Draft Proposed by MISO)

MISO's MTEP 2008 20% Renewable Future


Meeting Agenda's, Minutes and Presentation

February 19, 2008 

Handout 1 | Handout 2 | Handout 3 | Handout 4 | Reference 1 | Reference 2 | Reference 3 | Reference 4

December 14, 2007

Presentation 1 | Handout 2