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Distributed Generation & Legacy Net Metering Rules

Notice: MI Power Grid meetings and all other MPSC workgroup meetings will be conducted via teleconference only until further notice. Please find remote access information for upcoming meetings on our calendar of events. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

On November 8, 2018, the Commission issued an order in Case No. U-20344 directing Commission Staff to initiate a stakeholder process with the purpose of gathering input to assist Commission Staff with updating the Commission’s Electric Interconnection and Net Metering Standards. (R 460.601a – R 460.656) to reflect the new distributed generation program and changes in the availability of the net metering program as a result of 2016 Acts 341 and 342. The new distributed generation program is applicable to all rate-regulated utilities and alternative electric suppliers. 

The rules governing interconnection, distributed generation program and legacy net metering, and PURPA legally enforceable obligation will potentially be combined into a single ruleset. The planned timeframe to develop new rules is nine months with the formal rulemaking process beginning in September 2019 with a target for new rules to be in place sometime in 2020. 

Second draft issued February 28, 2020 Draft Interconnection DGLNM LEO Rules- Written comments are requested by the end of the day on Friday, May 1, 2020. Please email your comments and redlined rules documents to and All comments and redlined rules documents will be posted on each stakeholder website. 

Commission Staff's first draft issued August 28, 2019 draft proposed ruleset

Stakeholder comments received on September 30, 2019 | ABATE | Circle Power Letter | Circle Power | Consumers Energy Letter | Consumers Energy | Doug Houseman | DTE Energy Letter | DTE Energy | Ecology Center/ELPC/Vote Solar Letter | Ecology Center/ELPC/Vote Solar | MECA | MEGA | MIEIBC | Next Era | Pine Gate Renewables | Power Home | Xcel

Commission Staff's second draft issued February 28, 2020 Draft Interconnection DGLNM LEO Rules

Stakeholder comments received on May 1, 2020 | Consumers 1 | Consumers 2 | Consumers 3 | DTE Energy 1 | DTE Energy 2 | DTE Energy 3 | EIBC 1 | EIBC 2 | EIBC 3 | ELPC 1 | ELPC 2 | Energy Storage Association | MEGA 1 | MEGA 2 | MI Conservative | NextEra | Pine Gate 1 | Pine Gate 2

Staff Lead

Cody Matthews

Task Events


Agenda | MPSC Staff Presentation | Meeting Recording

August 29, 2019

AgendaConsumers Energy Comments | DTE Comments |  Michigan EIBC Comments 

July 29, 2019

Consumers Energy Comments | DTE Comments | GLREA Redline | GLREA Comments | Jonathon Miner Comments | Michigan EIBC Comments | Power Home Solar Comments 

May 29, 2019

Agenda | Staff Straw Man | Consumers Energy Battery Storage Rules Discussion | Consumers Energy Presentation

March 18, 2019

Agenda | DTE Presentation | Consumers Energy Redline | DTE Redline | MEGA Redline | Michigan EIBC Redline

January 11, 2019

Agenda | MPSC Presentation | Consumers Energy Comments | DTE Comments | MEGA Comments | Soulardarity Comments

Task – Related Documents

Combined Draft Interconnection Distributed Generation and Legally Enforceable Obligation Rules

November 8, 2018 U-20344 Order Initiating Rulemaking Process

Electric Interconnection and Net Metering Standards

Distributed Generation Program Implementation Webpage

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