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Distributed Energy Resources Rate Design

Notice: MI Power Grid meetings and all other MPSC workgroup meetings will be conducted via teleconference only until further notice. Please find remote access information for upcoming meetings on our calendar of events.

MI Power Grid Customer Engagement StampThe Distributed Energy Resources Rate Design workgroup was officially launched by the Commission's February 4, 2021 order in MPSC Case No. U-20960. The order describes the focus of the DER Rate Design workgroup as determining how customer-owned generation and energy storage are changing the way energy customers use the grid, exploring cost allocation and possible customer charges, and proposing rate design options. The DER Rate Design workgroup will take the place of the Distributed Generation Pricing stakeholder workgroup under the Innovative Rate Offerings subject area of the MI Power Grid initiative. The Commission has enlisted the help of the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) to facilitate the exploration of rate design options for evolving energy technologies, with opportunities for feedback from stakeholders, and to assist in delivery of the study requested in SR 142.

Actions to Date

Stakeholder Sessions


Agenda | Draft Report Outline (for discussion) | Presentation | Recording (Note: Recording starts about 5 minutes into the meeting)

September 8, 2021 (TELECONFERENCE ONLY)

Agenda | Presentation| Report | Recording (Note: Recording starts about 5 minutes into the meeting)

Staff Lead

Kevin Krause

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