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Vehicle to Grid and Energy Storage System Tariffs


On December 1, 2023, the Commission issued an order in Case No. U-21297 that stated, among other things,
“The Commission agrees that a tariff is needed for V2G and storage resources; however, the Commission is not convinced that any of the options available on the record—the full retail rate proposed by MEIU, the DG outflow rate proposed by the company, or a DR tariff proposed by the Staff—represent an appropriate compensation mechanism for the outflow from energy storage systems and V2G-enabled vehicles. As such, the Commission believes that the most appropriate approach for developing appropriate tariff mechanisms for energy storage and V2G systems is through a workgroup that can better evaluate the three options proposed in this proceeding and other potential compensation frameworks.  The Commission thus directs the Staff to convene a stakeholder workgroup to develop tariff options for stand-alone storage and V2G no later than May 1, 2024.”

Actions to Date

Staff held a workgroup session on April 1, 2024. During the meeting, the MPSC offered the opportunity to provide written comment. Comments were received from four organizations and are attached below:

Next Steps

Consideration of comments and feedback submitted on April 19, 2024.

Stakeholder Sessions

April 1, 2024

Agenda | MPSC Presentation | 5 Lakes Energy Presentation | DTE Energy Presentation | Recording