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What is Interconnection?

Customers planning to develop electric generation projects should contact their utility as early in the planning process as possible. Utility interconnection contact information is available on the MPSC website. Customers must follow the Generator Interconnection Procedures approved by the MPSC for their utility. These documents outline the process, requirements, and agreements used to install or modify generation projects designed to operate in parallel with the Utility electric system. Technical requirements (data, equipment, relaying, telemetry, metering) are defined according to type of generation, location of the interconnection, and mode of operation (Flow-back or Non-Flow-back). The process is designed to provide an expeditious interconnection to the Utility electric system that is both safe and reliable. The Project may not commence parallel operation until approval has been given by the utility. It is recommended that written approval be provided by the utility to the project developer in all instances before any interconnected generator begins operating.

General interconnection Procedures for projects up to 150 kW (Categories 1 & 2) were approved by the MPSC in Case No. U-15919. Separate sets of procedures were developed based on the aggregate generator size:

These are the general interconnection procedures approved by the MPSC and should be used for reference only. Each utility will have its own set of documents updated with the necessary utility specific information.

Distributed Generation Program: Customer generation projects with aggregate generator output less than 150 kW may qualify for a utility's program if one of the eligible generation technologies is selected.

Note: Municipal Utilities in Michigan are not regulated by the Michigan Public Service Commission. To learn about net metering and interconnection policies for Michigan Municipal Electric Utilities, please contact them directly. 

Contact Jesse Harlow for more information on customer generation.