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Home Energy, Telephone, and Internet Assistance Information for Customers

We all need a little help sometimes.  Last year, hundreds of thousands of Michiganders received help with their telephone, broadband, or home energy bills or received shut off protection for their utility service. If you need help, you are not alone. Read on to learn about available help, shut off protections, and how to apply. If you have questions, call us and one of our dedicated staff members will help put you on the right path to getting the help you need.

An arm clasping another arm, helping to lift them up

How do I apply for home energy assistance?  

You may be eligible for home energy assistance if your income falls below 150% of the Federal Poverty level and you have

  • received a past due notice from your electric or natural gas utility,
  • received shut off notice from your electric or natural gas utility, or
  • have a need for home-heating fuel (propane, fuel oil, wood)

To find out if you qualify for payment assistance, take the following steps:

  • Please note that the State Emergency Relief (SER) Program provides financial assistance to Michigan residents facing extreme hardship or emergencies that threaten health and safety. One part of that program, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), consists of federal funds for crisis assistance for energy-related services such as heating and electricity.  

    • To apply for SER, you can apply online through MIBridges or complete a paper application and return it to your local MDHHS Office (in English).
    • You may reach out to a MIBridges Navigator (in English; Spanish and Arabic translation options are available) or dial 2-1-1 from your phone for help with your application.
    • To apply for SER, you will need
      • Social Security Numbers and birthdates for all household members
      • A past due notice or shutoff notice
      • Household income and expense information

  • Once you have applied for SER, contact your utility to make them aware of your SER application. The utility should put a shut off hold on your account while your application is being reviewed.

  • Community organizations, including MEAP Grantees, may be able to help with required SER co-pays or assistance for those denied SER. Information on the MEAP Grantee webpage is in English only, but the list of MEAP grantees and their contact information is provided below.

  • If you need additional help, dial 211 on your phone or visit to be connected with an agency that may be able to assist

What types of assistance programs are available? 

A graphic of a house wrapped in a scarf wearing a knit hat

Several State of Michigan and utility assistance programs exist to help customers who are struggling to pay their home energy bills.  The table below provides a summary of these programs.  If you have received a past due or shut off notice, apply for State Emergency Relief today.

Types of Assistance Programs

Assistance Program

Program Summary

Program Offered by

Who Qualifies

How to Apply

State Emergency Relief Program (SER)

SER helps with energy related expenses including some home repairs

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

To qualify for SER, a customer must:

  • Have an income at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level and
    • A past due notice or a shut off notice from their utility, OR
    • A declared need for a deliverable fuel such as propane; OR
    • A verified need for energy-related home repair
  • No more than $15,000 in cash assets and $15,000 in material assets

Apply online at If you need help applying, visit
to find a community partner who can help with your application. 

Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP)

The MEAP provides energy assistance programs with a focus on self-sufficiency including payment assistance, arrearage assistance, and energy efficiency services

Michigan Public Service Commission

To qualify for MEAP, a customer must:

  • Have an income at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level and
    • A past due notice or a shut off notice from their utility, OR
    • A declared need for a deliverable fuel such as propane; OR
    • A verified need for energy-related home repair
  • No more than $15,000 in cash assets and $15,000 in material assets

Reach out to 2-1-1 to be connected with a MEAP grantee. Information on the MEAP Grantee page is in English only, but the list of MEAP grantees and their contact information is provided below.

The Home Heating Credit

Provides a credit for income qualified customers

Michigan Department of Treasury

To qualify, a customer must

Complete and submit the Home Heating Credit form available at (in English) between January 1 and September 30.

Tax preparation help is available through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (in English).

Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund (MIHAF)

The MIHAF provides mortgage and utilities assistance to homeowners facing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Michigan State Housing Development Authority

Homeowners who

  • Own and occupy the home as their primary residence; and
  • Have and explain a financial hardship directly related to COVID-19 which occurred on or after January 21, 2020; and
  • Have an income at or below 150% of the Area Median Income.

Apply online at MSHDA - MIHAF ( (in English), or call 1-844-756-4423

Michigan Veterans Trust Fund Emergency Grant Program

This grant program provides temporary assistance to veterans and their families facing a financial emergency or hardship including the need for energy assistance

Michigan Veterans Trust Fund

Contact the MVTF county committee (in English) serving the county where you reside or fill out and submit an Emergency Assistance Form (in English).

Residential Income Assistance Credit

Provides a bill credit for qualifying customers to help lower their energy bill

  • Consumers Energy (Electric & Gas)
  • DTE Energy (Electric & Gas)
  • Indiana Michigan Power
  • SEMCo Gas
  • Alpena Power
  • Northern States Power (Xcel Energy) (Electric & Gas)
  • Michigan Gas Utilities

Customers of participating utilities who have an income at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level or who participate in Medicaid or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

Contact your utility for more information.

Call your participating utility

Low Income Assistance Credit

Provides a monthly bill credit of $30 - $40 for qualifying customers

  • DTE Energy (Electric & Gas)
  • Consumers Energy (Electric & Gas)
  • SEMCo Gas
  • Michigan Gas Utilities

Select customers of participating utilities who have an income at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level or who participate in Medicaid or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

Additional qualifications may apply. Contact your utility for more information.

Call your participating utility

Senior Credit

Provides a bill credit for customers 65 and older

  • DTE Energy
  • Consumers Energy
  • Michigan Gas Utilities

Customers who

  • Are 65 years or older; and
  • Have notified their utility of their eligibility

Call your participating utility

Are there protections against having my service shut off?


In addition to energy assistance, customers may qualify for utility shut off protections.  Some protections require that a customer sign up for a payment plan with their utility.  These protections are established through state law and Commission rules.  Some of these protections may not be offered by municipal electric utilities or electric co-operative utilities.

Learn more about shut off protection programs below.  Contact your utility or the MPSC with any questions about these protections.

A small house icon being held and sheltered by a set of hands

Utility Shutoff Protection Programs

Shutoff Protection Program

Protection Summary

Who Qualifies

How to apply

Low Income Winter Protection Plan

  • Protects income qualified customers against utility shut off from Nov. 1 to March 31
  • Customer must meet certain bill payment obligations during the protection period
  • At the conclusion of the protection period, customer must arrange to pay all outstanding bills before the next heating season
  • Customer must pay at least 7% of the estimated annual bill each moth
  • Any arrearage must be paid in equal monthly installments from the application date until the beginning of the next heating season
  • Customers at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty level
  • Customers who receive any of the following services
    • MDHHS cash assistance
    • SSI
    • SNAP
    • Medicaid
  • Customers must
    • provide proof of income eligibility and
    • demonstrate they applied for state or federal heating assistance.

Contact your utility company to verify eligibility and set up a payment plan.

Senior Citizen Shutoff Protection

  • Protects customer 65 years and older from utility shut off from Nov. 1 – March 31
  • Customers 65 years and older

Contact your utility company to verify eligibility

Medical Emergency Protection

  • Provides a 21-day shutoff hold where a customer or member of their household experiences a medical condition that would be made worse by a lack of utility service
  • The protection may be extended up to 63 days per household member up to 126 days per household.
  • Customers who experience, or have a household member that experiences, a medical condition that will be made worse by a lack of utility service
  • Protection must be certified by a physician or public health official

Complete the Medical Certification Form and submit it to your utility.

Critical Care Protection

  • Provides shutoff protection where a disruption of utility service would be immediately life threatening to the customer or a member of their household.
  • Customers who use, or who have a household member that uses, home medical equipment or a life support system.
  • Status as a critical care customer must be certified annually
  • The protection must be certified by a physician or public health official.

Complete the Medical Certification Form and submit it to your utility.

Active-Duty Military Shutoff Protection

  • Provides a 90-day shutoff protection for utility customers and their spouse where either is called to full-time active military service under certain circumstances
  • Military members or their spouse who are called to active duty by the President or Governor during a national or state emergency or war

Contact your utility company


Are there income limits for payment assistance or shut off protections?     

Each payment assistance program and shut off protection program has different requirements to qualify.  Many programs set income limits to qualify. We have provided the current income guidelines for many of these programs below.  For other program conditions, see the program summaries above.

Customers at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level may qualify for payment assistance, shut off protections, or both.


Number of Household Members

150% of Poverty Guidelines Maximum Income

















Add $8,070 for each additional household member.


Customers at or below 110% of the Federal Poverty Level may qualify for the Home Heating Credit.


Number of Exemptions

110% of Federal Poverty Guidelines Maximum Annual Income

















Add $5,918 for each additional exemption


How can I reach out to my utility? 

Utility contact information for Commission regulated utilities is provided below.  You may also reach your utility through the contact information provided in your bill.


Utility Phone Number Website (in English)
Alpena Power Co. 989-358-4900
Aurora Gas Co. 989-733-6625
Citizens Gas Fuel Co. 800-982-2831
Consumers Energy Co. 800-477-5050
DTE Energy Co. 800-477-4747
Indiana Michigan Power Co. 800-672-2231
Michigan Gas Utilities 800-401-6402
Northern States Power Co. (Xcel) 800-895-4999
Semco Energy Gas Co. 800-624-2019
Superior Energy Co. 888-468-2828
Upper Michigan Energy Resources 800-242-9137 (Former WEPCO Customers)
800-450-7260 (Former WPSC Customers)
Upper Peninsula Power Co. 800-562-7680


You can find contact information for other electric utilities at the Public Service Commission’s "Electric Utility Addresses and Contacts" webpage (in English).

You can find contact information for natural gas utilities at the Public Service Commission’s “Gas Utilities in Michigan” webpage (in English).


Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) Grantees

  • Barry County United Way

    Phone: 269-945-4010

  • Bureau of Community Action and Economic Opportunity

    Phone: 517-321-7500
    Website: (in English only)
    Website includes links to the community action agencies in each county.

  • Society of St. Vincent de Paul of the Archdiocese of Detroit

    Phone: 1-877-788-4623

  • Superior Watershed Partnership

    Phone: 906-273-2742

  • The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW)

    Phone: 1-800-866-8429

  • The Salvation Army
  • TrueNorth Community Services

    Phone: 231-355-5880

  • United Way for Southeastern Michigan

    Phone: 1-844-211-4994

  • United Way of Jackson County

    Phone: 517-741-0202


I need help with my telephone or broadband internet bill.    

Wi-Fi Hotspot Map  

A series of WiFi icons, over a background of various technology-related symbolsMany publicly available hotspots exist around the state. If you need to go online but don’t have home internet, take advantage of publicly available Wi-Fi.

The State of Michigan and Connected Nation Michigan developed a statewide Wi-Fi hotspot map to help Michiganders who do not have home internet access find a hotspot site near them.


If you need help paying for telephone or broadband internet service, you may qualify for the Lifeline program.  This program provides a monthly discount on these services. The Lifeline discount can be combined with the Affordable Connectivity Program discount for even more help.  To find a participating Lifeline provider, see our Michigan Lifeline providers list.

The information provided below is summary of the information available on the MPSC’s Lifeline Program Webpage (in English only).

The Michigan Lifeline Program provides assistance for landline voice telephone service only. This program makes basic local telephone service more affordable for low-income families through a discount on their monthly telephone service. Eligible low-income consumers can receive the following discounts:

  • Customers under age 65 receive a discount of $8.25 to $10.25 per month (discount varies depending on service provider).
  • Customers age 65 or older receive a minimum discount of $12.35 per month.

To qualify for the Michigan Lifeline program after January 1, 2020, your household income must be at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty level or you must participate in one of the following assistance programs:

  • Medicaid
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance
  • Tribal Eligibility Programs (and living on federally recognized Tribal lands), or
  • Veterans Pension or Survivors Pension Program

The Federal Lifeline program is available for both wireline and wireless voice and broadband service. Qualified low-income consumers can receive a discount on their monthly telephone and/or broadband service. Eligible low-income consumers can receive the following discounts:

  • Discount of $5.25 per month off your voice only service.
  • Discount of $9.25 per month off your broadband only service.
  • Discount of $9.25 per month off your bundle service (voice and broadband).

To qualify for the Federal Lifeline Program, your household income must be at or below the 135% of the Federal Poverty Level, or you must participate in one of the following assistance programs:

  • Medicaid
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance
  • Tribal Eligibility Programs (and living on federally recognized Tribal lands), or
  • Veterans Pension or Survivors Pension Program


Number of Household Members 135% of Poverty Guidelines Maximum Income
0-1 $20,331
2 $27,594
3 $34,857
4 $42,122
5 $49,383
6 $56,646
7 $63,909
8 $71,172
Add $7,263 for each additional exemption

To apply for either the Michigan or Federal Lifeline program consumers should contact their service provider. Please be aware that companies may require annual re-enrollment and verification of income eligibility.