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Part-time student employees who worked before 7/1/2014 and were not reported at the time

Outreach postcard

Employment Verification Request form

Form returned to employee – missing documentation or incomplete form

Ineligible applicants

Does not meet basic criteria

Ineligible (specific reason to be added by ORS)

Community college already reported employment     

Missed deadline to submit form

Missed deadline to submit required docs


Eligible applicants receive an estimate letter and an opt-in form to establish membership or add service and in some cases to make a plan selection based on their first day worked.

Estimate letters Forms      

To establish membership (not previously reported) 


MIP Graded
MIP Plus

Pension Plus
with healthcare election

Pension Plus or DC

To add service (member)

All plans


To add service with plan election (member)


MIP Fixed
MIP Graded    
MIP Plus

Pension Plus with
healthcare election

Pension Plus or DC


Eligible applicants whose first day worked falls within the election window for the 2012 reform will be offered the reform election. ORS will communicate with these applicants on a case-by-case basis.

Eligible applicants who return the form and opt to establish membership or add prior service will receive a billing statement for member contributions.

Those who pay the member contributions in full by June 30, 2020 will receive confirmation letters.