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Public School Reporting Units

Michigan Office of Retirement Services

Public School Reporting Units


The Employer Information website provides resources and information for Michigan public schools, community colleges, and some public school academies, charter schools, libraries and universities in the Michigan Public Schools Employee Retirement System.

Here you will find links to websites used to report to the Office of Retirement Services, as well as communications and resources developed to assist you in reporting.

What's New

Resources for New Members

Share information about retirement plans with new hires who are new to MPSERS, so they are prepared to pick their retirement plan.

457 Plan for DB Members

Learn more about offering the Deferred Compensation Option to your employees.

Introduction to Reporting

Read or review this guide for an overview of benefit plans and the who, what, when and how of ORS reporting.

ORS non-business days

View ORS non-business days to make sure your reports are never late.

Pay Cycle Calendar

Use our handy Pay Cycle Calendar for important reminders and deadlines. 

Pension Plus website

Member information for your employees who have Pension Plus is available at

MPSERS Employer Toolkit

The MPSERS Employer Toolkit is your one-stop shop for the most-used materials and resources for public school professionals managing contributions to the State of Michigan 401(k) and 457 Plans (the Plans).

Scheduled System Maintenance

View dates and times for scheduled maintenance.

TDP Calculator

Send your non-Pension Plus employees to our TDP calculator where they can weigh the cost of purchasing service credit.