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Should you report a student teacher?

Michigan Office of Retirement Services sent this bulletin at 11/07/2023 03:30 PM EST

If you have a student teacher who is 19 years old or older and compensated directly by your reporting unit for their student teaching role, or for any other role in your reporting unit, they are a MPSERS member and should be reported to ORS.

A person working as a student teacher who is paid by their educator preparation program, with funds provided by the Department of Treasury through the School Aid Budget, is not eligible to participate in this retirement plan. Refer to the Reporting Instruction Manual section 3.02: Special membership circumstances for more information.

We recently learned that some student teachers who are not eligible for membership were reported in error and their first report automatically started the process for them to make a retirement plan election. We need to review these accounts to determine if adjustments are needed and/or if their membership must be removed.

If a student teacher was reported in error, please contact ORS through the email address with the person’s first and last name and the dates of the student teaching that was funded from their educator preparation program. Use the email subject line Student teacher report error.

If you have any questions, please contact ORS at

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