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Reminder: Reporting Authorization Certification due

Michigan Office of Retirement Services sent this bulletin at 11/12/2024 11:30 AM EST

Every year superintendents and chief administrators are required to certify compliance with retirement law. The 2025 Reporting Authorization Certification (R0688C) was mailed to all reporting units on Oct. 4, 2024. Our records show that we have not yet received this required certification from your reporting unit (or one of the reporting units you report for).

By signing and returning the certification, the superintendent or chief administrator at your reporting unit validates that the Web Administrator, Payment Processors and other web users of the Employer Reporting website have been correctly identified and that each person's level of access is appropriate. Please email the completed and signed forms to ORS Employer Reporting at no later than Monday, Dec. 2, 2024.

If you need further assistance or another copy of this form, contact ORS Employer Reporting at