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A.16: FF/ORP/UAL Payments (formerly 4.08.00)

Marked obsolete 12/16/2018

Your reporting unit is responsible for submitting required payments (reporting unit contributions and Member Investment Plan contributions) only for employees who are members of this retirement system.

ORP and UAL wages for universities and colleges are also included on this report. ORP and UAL wages only apply to universities and community colleges that have employees participating in the optional retirement plan.

Retirement law mandates that federally funded, Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) and unfunded accrued liability (UAL) wages are to be reported to ORS on a quarterly basis. ORS uses this data to create statistical reports for the legislature, other state agencies, and the system actuary.

Your reporting unit must report total reportable wages for:

  • Members paid from federal funds. You must have a reported amount every quarter, even if it is zero. Federally funded wages must be reported by K-12, community college, and university employers.
  • Participants in an Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) must be reported by community college and university employers only.
  • Unfunded Accrued Liability (UAL) must be reported by community college and university employers only.

These reports are due on April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15 for the preceding quarter.

For more information, see section 7.19.00: Reporting FF/ORP/UAL Wages on the Employer Reporting Website.

Please note: reportable and nonreportable "compensation" is defined in MCL 38.1303a and only applies to active MPSERS members. For information on reporting earnings for retirees please see section 9.01: Earnings of Retirees Who Return to Work.

Last updated: 02/10/2017