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A.18 TDP Agreement/Addendum File Layout (formerly 15.01.11)

Marked obsolete 04/30/2020

Obsolete section - the TDP agreement/addendum file is no longer required.

The TDP agreement/addendum file is required to report new TDP agreements and addendums. This file is used to upload the information to the members' retirement accounts.

  • Create the file as a text file (i.e. Microsoft Notepad).  Do not use Excel, Word or other programs that are not text files, or the file will be returned to you for reformatting.
  • When creating your TDP agreement/addendum file, make sure that you enter the complete agreement number and invoice number from the agreement/addendum form.
  • Box 3 on the TDP agreement forms may only have a single 8-digit number in it. This is the invoice number from the member billing statement. The agreement number will be the same as the invoice number with a zero in front of it. The agreement number does not change with a transfer to a new employer.
  • If the agreement/addendum and invoice numbers do not correspond to the information on file at ORS, the deductions that you report will not post to the members' accounts.
  • End each data record with a hard return (press enter). This is also how you will start a new record.
  • When finished adding records, save the file with this name format: TDA.reporting unit number.001. Example: TDA.12340.001  

Last updated: 04/30/2020