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A.21 Election Worker (formerly 3.02.10)

Marked obsolete 11/02/2020

OBSOLETE. Election workers are not performing services for MPSERS reporting units.The language below is retained for historical record only. 

If a person is already a member of this retirement system, is currently working for your reporting unit, and is assisting with the election, then the election wages and hours are reportable.

If a person is a retiree of this retirement system and is working for your reporting unit in another position, and is assisting with the election, or if he or she is only working for your reporting unit for the election, the wages and hours are reportable.

A retiree is subject to the earnings limits when employed by a reporting unit in an election capacity.

If a person is not a retiree of this retirement system and is working for your reporting unit for the sole purpose of an election, the wages and hours are not reportable per Public Act 150 of 2000.

Last updated: 11/02/2020