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Low Income Workgroup

Notice: MI Power Grid meetings and all other MPSC workgroup meetings will be conducted via teleconference only until further notice. Please find remote access information for upcoming meetings on our calendar of events.

The Michigan Public Service Commission, Energy Optimization section (EO), established the EO Low Income Workgroup (formerly known as the EWR Low Income Workgroup) in April of 2018 with the support and participation of other State agencies, statewide utility providers, and diverse stakeholder groups.  The Low Income Workgroup is collaboratively working to identify and address low income specific energy issues, energy optimization measures, and create new initiatives that can reduce the cost of the energy burden on Michigan's low income energy consumers and communities.  With the goal of connecting and combining the expertise, experience, and perspectives of the participating groups, the Workgroup is attempting to bridge gaps between program offerings, facilitate more complete delivery of energy efficiency programs, and seek opportunities to better serve low-income single-family residences and multifamily buildings.

The current vision of the Workgroup is to address low income specific issues with the goal of enhancing EO, health, safety, and comfort in low income housing, and make EO initiatives available to this underserved sector to provide greater long-term impact. The workgroup is scheduled to meet on the first Thursday of every month.


All Michigan residents live in efficient, affordable, safe, and healthy homes.


To coordinate and optimize energy efficiency and clean energy offerings, to improve energy affordability and quality of life for Michigan's low-income residents, and to improve program design, accessibility, and delivery.

We do this through:

Collaborating and coordinating to identify and address barriers and needs that negatively affect energy efficiency efforts.

  • Sharing best practices and other relevant information among utility providers, government agencies, and other stakeholders;
  • Ensuring that the needs of impacted communities are heard and addressed;
  • Development of tangible deliverables needed to achieve prioritized outcomes and overcome identified barriers;
  • Prioritizing and recommending action. 

MPSC Staff Contacts:

Brad Banks, MPSC
Elizabeth Yeager, MPSC

Michigan Energy Efficiency and Electrification Needs Assessment Survey

The MPSC EWR Low Income Workgroup, in partnership with several energy efficiency stakeholders in Michigan, are seeking a deeper understanding of the capacity and needs of skilled contractors and related workers in our energy efficiency and electrification landscape.  If you are a contractor, workforce development agency, or otherwise involved in the energy efficiency and electrification ecosystem—we need your help!

The group has developed a short survey aimed at assessing how prepared contractors and other stakeholders in this industry feel to support the forthcoming programs funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and other clean energy initiatives.

Below is the link to the survey.

State of Michigan Energy Efficiency and Electrification Needs Assessment Survey

Workgroup Documents

Stakeholder Contact Information

Workgroup Participants 
Deliverables - May 2018

Michigan Energy Efficiency Plan Primer -  NRDC

Extending the Benefits of Nonresidential EE to Low-Income Communities - ACEEE

Lansing Field Trip: Michigan Public Service Commission - The Handbuilt City

Healthy Homes for All - ACEEE

EWR Overview for Purposes of IRP Planning - MEEA 

Health & Safety Presentation - Consumers


Meeting Agendas and Presentations

March 6, 2025 (Teleconference Only)

Meeting Info


View Older Meeting Documents


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