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Energy Affordability and Accessibility Collaborative

EAAC work takes place in subcommittees and the Low-Income Energy Policy Board. Please find remote access information for upcoming Board meetings on our calendar of events.

The Energy Affordability and Accessibility Collaborative (EAAC) seeks broad and diverse input from residents, non-profits, utilities, and state agencies to address equity, the affordability of energy, access to low-income energy assistance, customer protections and low-income energy waste reduction services. Key areas of focus are defining key terms and concepts and how these intersect with regulatory processes; strategies for streamlining the energy assistance process; and recommendations on tying energy waste reduction to energy assistance. Building on analysis and recommendations for these and other topics, the Collaborative will develop a long-term data strategy and review rule-based protections.

The EAAC’s  work results from the Case No. U-20757 order issued February 18, 2021 when the Commission directed Staff to convene the EAAC in coordination with the Energy Waste Reduction Low Income Workgroup.  Subsequent actions include:

  • December 17, 2021, Staff filed an interim report to U-20757 on progress made and submitted recommendations.
  • February 10, 2022, the Commission issued another order in Case No. U-20757 extending the work of the EAAC for an additional two years.
  • April 27, 2022, saw the convening of an Advisory Committee known as the Low-Income Energy Policy Board 
  • November 3, 2022, an in-person Low-Income Energy Policy Strategy Summit was held.
  • January 17 & 19, 2023, Virtual report-out and feedback sessions from the November strategy summit were held.
  • March 17, 2023, an interim report on this work was filed.
  • December 21, 2023, Commission issued an order responding to the March 17 interim report.

MPSC Staff Contacts

Anne Armstrong, MPSC
Mary Wilkins, MPSC


EAAC Suggestion Box 


Affordability, Alignment, and Assistance

Shared Goals:

  1. To promote energy affordability.
  2. To support program alignment for ease of access and use, effectiveness of administration, and evaluation.
  3. To evaluate and improve systems of energy assistance.
View the AAA Subcommittee

Data Analysis and Regulatory Review

Shared Goals:

  1. Review existing rules to ensure fairness for vulnerable customers.
  2. Review existing rules to ensure effectiveness in administration.
View the DARR Subcommittee


Shared Goals: 

  1. To provide definitions for a common understanding of words and terms utilized in communication around low-income energy policy.
  2. To enhance and clarify understanding of defined words and terms.
  3. In the defining of words and terms utilized in communication around low-income energy policy, the broaden understanding of factors impacting low-income energy customers.
View the Definitions Subcommittee

Outreach and Education

Shared Goals:  In the Outreach and Education Subcommittee the shared goals aligned with the Commission directives and were achieved in 2022.  This subcommittee will convene as necessary to gain additional stakeholder feedback and insights.

Commission Directives Accomplished:

  1. Establishing a regular mechanism for stakeholders to provide input on improving communications and materials
  2. Broadening outreach to groups traditionally not a part of utility communications
  3. Improving the dissemination of energy assistance information to difficult to reach customers
View the Outreach and Education Subcommittee

Customer Focused Data and Metrics

This Staff Subcommittee will assess and propose data strategies as straw proposals to which stakeholders may respond and provide comment.

Shared Goals:

  1. Improve the functionality and accessibility of customer related data (LIEPB Goal)
  2. Use data to better understand customer experience to allow for integration of energy assistance, energy waste reduction services and customer protections.  (LIEPB Goal)
  3. Provide a data strategy to assess energy equity measures.

Meetings will be held intermittently to gain additional stakeholder feedback and insights.  Please Sign Up Here to receive meeting notices and participate.

Critical Care Collaborative

Shared Goals:

  1. Launch of U-20757 to discuss possible rule changes focusing on the journey of a customer seeking the critical care protection.
  2. The discussion will focus on customers’ ability to make payments while on the protection, detailing appropriate steps for customers to seek assistance, payment plan options for non-income qualified customers, etc., while having services still active.
View the Critical Care Collaborative

EAAC Meetings

BIOS for Presenters

February 16, 2022 (TELECONFERENCE ONLY)

Agenda | Presentation | Recording | Chat

November 17, 2021 (TELECONFERENCE ONLY)

Agenda | Presentation | Recording | Chat

October 20, 2021 (TELECONFERENCE ONLY)

Agenda | Presentation | Recording | Chat

September 15, 2021 (TELECONFERENCE ONLY)

Agenda | Presentation | Recording | Chat 


Agenda | Presentation | Recording | Chat | Attendees List 


Agenda | Presentation | Recording | Chat


Agenda | Presentation | Recording | Chat | Attendees List | Survey and Poll Results


Agenda | Presentation | Recording


Agenda | Presentation | Recording

Additional Resources

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