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30 kW and Larger Interconnection Procedures

Identify reasonable and achievable interconnection time deadlines.

Propose a system for determining whether interconnection costs are reasonable, actual costs.

Study the impacts and benefits of requiring utilities to consult with transmission providers when certain interconnection applications are filed (for distribution-level interconnections).

Investigate the impacts and benefits of requiring all generators to maintain an acceptable power factor.

Develop criteria for identification of areas of opportunity for distributed generation on each utility's distribution system.

Proposed interconnection and net metering rules are now available for public comment. The rules are Exhibit B to the Commission's February 4, 2009, order & notice of hearing in Case No. U-15787.

A public hearing is set for 9 a.m. on March 3, 2009 at the MPSC and written comments may be submitted electronically to up to 5 p.m. on March 6, 2009. Any person may attend the public hearing and provide comments on the proposed rules or submit written comments.

On October 6, 2008, Governor Granholm signed SB 213 into law.  SB 213, known as PA 295, includes a provision directing the Michigan Public Service Commission to establish a statewide net metering program no later than 180 days after the effective date of the Act. For more information on the net metering law see PA 295 PART 5.

The Commission's February 27, 2007 Order in Case No. U-15113 directed the Engineering Section of the Commission's Operations and Wholesale Markets Division to convene a workgroup with these objectives:

MSC Staff Contact

Julie Baldwin

Background Info

WI Application 
WI Chap PSC 119 Rules
WI IC Guidelines

Proposals and Comments


Greater than 30 kW Documents

Staff Report

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Final Staff Report on Net Metering and Interconnection Issues, October 1, 2007

Electronic Filings Docket

October 24, 2006 Order

Staff Report, Jan 31, 2007

February 27, 2007 Order

Interim Status Report on Net Metering, May 2007

U-15113 Utility Interconnection Investigation, opened October 24, 2006


U-15316 August 6, 2008 Order (PURPA Net Metering Standard


Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Presentations