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Noncentral Agency (NCA) Retirement Reporting Requirements

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Michigan Office of Retirement Services

Noncentral Agency (NCA) Retirement Reporting Requirements

Noncentral Agency (NCA) Retirement Reporting Requirements

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Certain noncentral agency (NCA) employees are members of the State Employees Retirement System (SERS). Noncentral agencies do not report employee wages and hours through the HRMN payroll system as other state agencies do. In the past, the Office of Retirement Services (ORS) manually entered retirement reporting information for NCA employees. To keep each member’s retirement account up-to-date with the most current information, ORS mandated a retirement reporting policy in 2012 that requires NCA organizations to report retirement information on a pay period basis using a reusable preformatted Excel spreadsheet. In October 2013, the policy was amended to include new reporting requirements for NCAs participating in the State Employees' Retirement System Defined Contribution (DC) plan.

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NCA Organizations (as of 9/23/13)

Organization No. Agency Name Report Using:
90005 Business Enterprise Program (BEP), DLEG DB/DC Report Format
90009 Probate Judges DB/DC Report Format
90010 American Legion, Department of Michigan DB Report Format
90012 Michigan State Bar DB Report Format
90013 Mackinac Island State Park Commission DB/DC Report Format
90014 36th District Court DB Report Format
90015 Office of Wayne County Clerk DB Report Format
90019 Third Circuit Court DB Report Format

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Retirement Reporting Policy for Noncentral Agencies

Effective April 1, 2012, NCA payroll staff will submit retirement reports to ORS using a pre-formatted Excel spreadsheet. Effective October 1, 2013, NCA payroll staff will continue to submit retirement reports to ORS and also submit a Defined Contribution (DC) report to Voya Financial® for employees with a DC component plan. Note: there are two Excel spreadsheet versions, one for DB reporting only, and another for DB/DC reporting.

ORS will only accept retirement reports submitted using the pre-formatted Excel spreadsheets; information sent in any other format will be returned to the NCA to be resubmitted.

Reports are due within two weeks of the report end date. For example: if the report end date is July 13 then the report is due by July 27.

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What Do You Report 

You will report the following information to ORS for all NCA employees when applicable: wages, hours, demographics, deferrals, contributions, Voya® loan repayments, health, unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) employer contributions, and Tax Deferred Payment (TDP) deductions. 

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