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Frequently Asked Questions about PA 92 of 2017
Frequently Asked Questions about PA 92 of 2017
General FAQs
Where can I find the most up-to-date information regarding the 2017 Reform?
Check the Employer Information website under 2017 Reform for all information and emails instructing and assisting employers with reporting changes related to the reform. The link is found directly below the Employer Reporting link on the Employer Information home page.
Created 8/7/2017, removed link 1/21/2020
When will the Reporting Instruction Manual (RIM) be updated to reflect the changes required by the new law?
Updates to the RIM are in process. You will be notified by email when they are published, and a list of updated sections will be posted on the 2017 Reform page. A list of all recent updates to the RIM is at the bottom of the RIM home page.
Created 8/7/2017
Understanding Employer Actions (January and February 2018)
What are the retirement plan options for employees new to Michigan public schools who first work on or after February 1, 2018?
These employees will have two retirement plan options: a modified DC plan and a new hybrid plan called Pension Plus 2. Pension Plus 2, like the existing Pension Plus plan, has both a pension component and a savings component. No changes were made to retiree healthcare benefits, so all new employees will have the Personal Healthcare Fund (PHF) retiree healthcare plan.
Created 8/7/2017
What changes go into effect in February 2018?
Employees hired after September 4, 2012 who elected the DC plan will begin receiving a new employer match – 100% match up to 3% from the employer. Employees who will first work on or after February 1, 2018 will have the option to elect Pension Plus 2 or the DC plan. If the employee does not make an election (defaults), they will be placed in the DC plan.
Created 8/7/2017
How is Pension Plus 2 different from the original Pension Plus?
The main difference is the member contribution rate, which will now be split with the employer 50/50. The member rate will be 6.2% in 2018, but could change in future years. Another difference is that an employee must elect Pension Plus 2 to participate in it. If an employee does not make an election he or she will be enrolled in the DC plan.
Created 8/7/2017
Are the retirement benefits different for Pension Plus 2 plan members?
Retirement benefits are calculated in the same way for the Pension Plus plan and Pension Plus 2 plan.
Created 8/7/2017
What is the new default plan?
If employees do not make an election, they will default into the DC plan.
Created 8/7/2017
Do employees still have the option to have a pension?
Yes, but they must elect Pension Plus 2 by logging in to miAccount within the 75-day window.
Updated 1/25/2018
How do I know if the employee is entitled to an election?
Check the Member Benefits Plan link on the Employer Reporting website to determine whether the person is already a member of MPSERS or is entitled to an election. On February 5, 2018, the Member Benefit Plan screen will show Pension Plus 2 for new employees who are entitled to an election.
Updated 1/25/2018
How do I know which election form to provide to employees?
For employees entitled to an election and their first day worked is before February 1, 2018, provide the Retirement Plan Election brochure and form (R0940C) with the July 2017 revision date. If you need a copy, contact
For employees entitled to an election and their first day worked is on or after February 1, 2018, no election form is required. Employees who are new to MPSERS make their election by logging in to miAccount. After they have first been reported they will receive in the mail instructions on how to make their election.
Updated 1/25/2018
How will reporting change in February 2018?
DTL2 records: For Pension Plus 2, employer and member rates will be available on the Employer Contribution Rates (effective February 1, 2018).
DTL4 records: Changes on the DTL4 record only apply to employees who were hired on or after September 4, 2012 and elected the DC plan. For the first full pay period with a record begin date on or after 02/01/2018, begin reporting employees using the Contribution Rates table (effective February 1, 2018). The new contribution rates table reflect the changes to employer contributions for employees who elect the DC plan.
Updated 1/25/2018
I have an employee who first worked in January, but won't be reported until February. How will they be affected?
Because of the system changes, ORS will treat them as employees who are entitled to a Pension Plus 2 election and could potentially default to the DC plan. DO NOT ENTER ANY ELECTIONS. ORS will be reaching out to employers to verify first day worked and make the appropriate adjustments. You may also contact Web Reporting at, if you have any questions.
Updated 1/25/2018
What is the employee's deadline for submitting the plan election form?
Employees will no longer submit a plan election form to you. Instead they will make their election by logging in to miAccount. They will receive information on how to do so after you first report them. They will still have 75 calendar days from the end of their first pay period end date to submit their election form.
Updated 1/25/2018
What is the employer's deadline for entering the election on the Employer Reporting website?
Employers no longer enter elections on the Employer Reporting website.
Updated 1/25/2018
What if employees do not make their election on miAccount within 75 days?
Employees who first worked on or after February 1, 2018, will default into the DC plan.
Employees who first worked (and were reported) before February 1, 2018, will default to the Pension Plus plan. If they first worked in January but were first reported in February, contact Employer Reporting at
Updated 1/25/2018
How will I submit an election to ORS?
Employers will no longer submit or enter election forms for employees who are new to MPSERS.
Updated 1/25/2018
Understanding Changes to Retirement Plan Elections Forms
Are there different versions of the Retirement Plan Election brochure and form?
In August you received a shipment of brochures/forms with a revision date of July 2017, for use with employees new to MPSERS who were or will be first reported before February 1, 2018.
For employees who are new to MPSERS, you will no longer provide the Retirement Plan Election brochure and form. In late January you will receive a drop-shipment of a new handout that you may choose to provide your new employees who are new to MPSERS as a courtesy. Employees who are new to MPSERS will make their election through miAccount.
Updated 1/25/2018
What should I do with our current Retirement Plan Election forms?
For employees new to MPSERS who will first be reported on or after February 1, 2018, do not provide the brochure and form. When you have distributed the older version to any employee who will first work and first be reported before February 1, 2018), recycle all copies of this brochure and form.
Updated 1/25/2018
Understanding Employer Contribution Rates
Are the new Employer Contribution Rates tables available?
In September 2017 ORS posted the new Contribution Rates table (effective February 1, 2018 – September 30, 2018) on the Employer Information website. There are two contribution rate tables for FY 2017-18:
- One is in effect from October 1, 2017 until January 30, 2018.
- One will be in effect from February 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018.
Updated 1/25/2018
What changed on the Employer Contribution Rates table effective October 1, 2017?
The new law required only one change to the Employer Contribution Rates table effective October 1, 2017 through January 31, 2018. The contribution rate for employers on the DC Plan (the column labeled “Pension Plus to DC with PHF”) will go from 3% to 7%. The additional 4% is a new mandatory employer contribution. This does not include the 2% contribution for PHF.
Updated 1/24/2018
What changed on the Employer Contribution Rates table effective February 1, 2018?
The Contribution Rates table effective February 1, 2018 has been redesigned to include employee rates along with employer rates. This rate table has a new row for the Pension Plus 2 plan and reflects the changes to the DC contribution rates for employees who elected the DC plan and were hired on or after September 4, 2012.
Updated 1/25/2018
What will the employer contribution rates be for new members who choose the DC plan?
Beginning February 1, 2018 employers will match 100% up to the first 2% to the employees’ contributions to the Personal Healthcare Fund, and then 100% up to 3% of the employee’s contributions to their 457 Plan. This is in addition to the mandatory 4% employer contribution that begins October 1, 2017.
Created 8/7/2017
What will the employer contribution rates be for new members who choose Pension Plus 2?
In FY 2018, employers will contribute 6.2% to the employee’s pension plan, 1% to the employee’s savings component, and 2% to the employee’s Personal Healthcare Fund. Both employer and member contribution rates may change in future years. Employer DC contributions (savings component and PHF) reflect the maximum employer match. Check the Member Benefit Plans link for more information.
Updated 1/25/2018
Will employers have to pay UAAL on members who choose Pension Plus 2?
Yes. The employer contribution rate tables will show Pension and Health UAAL rates for every member plan type except one (retirees who return to work and are not qualified participants). UAAL rates are based on the liability of the whole system (all plans), not a single plan within the system (such as Pension Plus or Pension Plus 2).
Created 8/7/2017
System Changes
What system changes will happen for the changes effective in February 2018?
ORS plans to have system changes needed for February 1, 2018 completed by the end of January. As we have more information regarding changes to the ORS system, you will be notified by email and the information will be posted on the 2017 Reform section of the Employer Information site.
System changes for February will include the integration of the Pension Plus 2 plan. Employees who elect the Pension Plus 2 plan will be reported just like a Pension Plus member, but with different employer and member contribution rates. Employees who first work on or after February 1, 2018, will make their elections on miAccount.
Other system changes include new employer matching rates for employees who elected (hired on or after September 4, 2012 and before February 1, 2018) or default to (hired on or after February 1, 2018 and did not elect Pension Plus 2) the DC plan. Employees will now receive 100% up to 3% of the employee’s contributions. There are no changes to Personal Healthcare Fund matching contributions or reporting.
There are no changes to DTL1 or DTL3 records.
Updated 1/25/2018
What screen changes can I expect to see in February 2018?
The New Member Election link has been replaced with the View Election Status link.
For employees who first work before February 1, 2018, you will still enter elections on this link.
For employees who first work on or after February 1, 2018, you will see two new sections – New Members Yet to Make Election and New Members Who Have Made Their Election. This page shows detail about the election process, including when employees were sent notifications, whether the employee has made an election, and if so, their retirement plan election and the date it was made. It also tracks those who default to the DC plan.
Added 1/25/2018
What action do I need to take on the View Election Status screen for the changes happening in February 2018?
The only action you need to take on this screen is if someone elects or defaults to the DC plan. If an employee elects or defaults to the DC plan, check this link to determine if any DTL4 adjustments need to made. Once adjustments (if any) are made, you will check the box in the DTL4 Adjustments Complete column.
Added 1/25/2018
What other screen changes are there in February 2018?
Member UAAL Contributions can be found on the View Report Totals page. Click Work on Reports and then on the View Totals/Accept link.
A new column on the Download Detail spreadsheet called Member UAAL Contributions.
There is no action needed for the Member UAAL Contributions. These were implemented if the situation arises that Pension Plus 2 becomes underfunded. ORS will communicate this if it ever occurs.
Added 1/25/2018
How will employees be notified they have an election to make?
Once the first DTL1 and DTL4 records posts for a new employee, ORS will send a welcome letter stating they have an election to make. It will direct them to miAccount and to the website. If the employee takes no action, ORS will send another reminder letter advising them to make an election. If no action is still taken, ORS will send a final notice advising to make an election.
The dates letters are generated are shown on the View Election Status screen.
Added 1/25/2018
What must the reporting units do regarding the election process?
The only action needed from your reporting unit is to process the appropriate DTL4 adjustments for someone who elects or defaults to the DC plan.
Added 1/25/2018
How will this affect reporting DTL1, DTL2, DTL3, and DTL4 records?
DTL1: No changes.
DTL2: The employer and member contribution rates for those with Pension Plus 2 will be different than the rates for those who are in the original Pension Plus plan. (If you have an employee who first worked in January, but was first reported in February, contact ORS.) Use the new Contribution Rates table.
DTL3: No changes.
DTL4 (on October 1, 2017): For record begin dates on or after October 1, 2017, begin reporting 4% mandatory contributions in the Employer DC Contribution ($) and Employer DC Match Percent (%) fields. This is in addition to any matching contributions the employee is entitled to. Review the Member Benefit Plans link to determine what percentage to report.
DTL4 (on February 1, 2018): For record begin dates on or after February 1, 2018, the match will change for anyone who was hired on or after September 4, 2012 and elected the DC plan. The new match will include anyone who was hired on or after February 1, 2018 and defaulted or elected the DC plan. Employees will receive 100% up to 3% from the employer and should be reported on the Employer DC Contribution ($) and Employer DC Match Percent (%) fields. This is in addition to the 4% employer mandatory contributions. Review the Member Benefit Plans link to determine what percentage to report.
Updated 1/25/2017
What system changes happened for the changes effective in October 2017?
System changes for October 2017 were implemented in late September. You were notified by email and the information was posted on the 2017 Reform section of the Employer Information site.
System changes for October included removing the availability for members to purchase service credit.
Also, anyone who elected the DC plan on or after September 4, 2012 started receiving 4% mandatory employer contributions. This is calculated on the DTL4 with any record begin date on or after October 1, 2017. Anyone who elected the DC plan on or after September 4, 2012 has the contribution amounts listed on the Member Benefit Plans link and on the View Feedback File link on the Employer Reporting website.
There were no changes to DTL1, DTL2, or DTL3 records.
Updated 1/25/2018
Understanding the Impact on Retirees and Employees
What impact does PA 92 have on the pension and/or healthcare for current retirees?
PA 92 does not change the benefits or requirements for receiving a pension and retiree healthcare for current retirees.
Created 8/7/2017
What impact does PA 92 have on retiree healthcare benefits?
The new law has no impact on retiree healthcare benefit options.
Created 8/7/2017
What impact does PA 92 have for current active Basic or MIP members?
Only service credit purchases are affected. Basic or MIP members who wish to buy service credit must do so by 5:00 p.m. EDT, September 29, 2017. However, PA 92 still allows members to receive credit in the following situations:
- Active duty military service credit purchase
- Repayment of refunded pension contributions
- Payment of missed contributions for weekly workers’ compensation from before July 1, 1992.
- MIP contributions not paid to the retirement system during the MIP conversion in the 1990s.
The above options can still be completed through the TDP process.
Created 8/7/2017
How should I answer member questions about service credit purchases?
Direct any members with questions about service credit purchases to the FAQ on Service Credit – PA 92 2017 or to General rules for service credit purchases, found on the MPSERS Member website (
Created 8/7/2017
Understanding Other Elements of the Pension Plus 2 Plan
What are the retirement age eligibility rules for Pension Plus 2 plan members?
Regular retirement age as of the beginning of the plan on February 1, 2018 is set at 60 years of age with at least 10 years of service. However, the retirement age eligibility requirement could change in future years based on changes in actuarial assumptions.
Created 8/7/2017
The legislative summary says PA 92 "establishes fiduciary controls and triggers on the new hybrid plan (Pension Plus 2) to help control future costs." What does this actually mean?
Please read the questions and answers below to read about each of these controls and triggers.
Created 8/7/2017
What does the change in the assumed rate of return mean?
The assumed rate of return on investments of the pension fund for Pension Plus 2 will be 6% (compared to 7% for Pension Plus). As a result, the actual investment returns are more likely to meet what was expected and planned for during development of the contribution rates. (Lower than expected investment returns can lead to unfunded liability over time.)
Created 8/7/2017
How will changes to member contributions help control future costs?
The pension contributions for the normal cost of Pension Plus 2 will be divided 50/50 between the employer and employee. (The normal cost represents the cost of pensions for active employees earning another year of service credit in the retirement system.) If any future liability emerges on this plan, contributions to cover that cost will be shared 50/50 by members and employers as well. This means that member contribution rates could rise in the future to help cover costs.
Created 8/7/2017
How does the "level dollar amortization method" help control future costs?
If a liability emerges on the Pension Plus 2 plan, that liability will be amortized using a level dollar amortization method over a 10-year period. This is a technical requirement of the law to ensure that, if unfunded liability does emerge on this plan, it is paid off within a mandated time frame.
Created 8/7/2017
Could the retirement age eligibility requirement for members of Pension Plus 2 change?
Yes. PA 92 addresses life expectancy and retirement age eligibility through the use of a 5-year experience study (a practice ORS has been already following). If an experience study shows that life expectancy has increased one full year since the last study (in other words, if people who fit the MPSERS member demographics are living one year longer on average), the MPSERS Board, in consultation with the actuary and the Department of Technology Management & Budget, may raise the regular retirement age by at least one year. Regular retirement age as of the beginning of the Pension Plus 2 plan on February 1, 2018 is set at 60 years of age.
Created 8/7/2017
Are there any exceptions to the (potential) increase in retirement age eligibility for members of the Pension Plus 2 plan?
PA 92 allows an exception to any potential increase in retirement age eligibility if members are within five years of regular retirement age. The board may also exempt those members who are between five and eight years of retirement. Regular retirement age as of the beginning of the plan on February 1, 2018 is set at 60 years of age.
Created 8/7/2017
Could the Pension Plus 2 plan be closed?
Pension Plus 2 could be closed to new employees if the actuarial funded ratio (calculated by ORS’s actuary) falls below 85% for two consecutive years—in other words, if the plan funds are only enough to cover 85% of the normal cost for two consecutive years. If this occurs, the legislature has 12 months to provide funds through the budget process to increase the funded ratio. If the legislature does not take action, employees who are new to MPSERS will no longer have the option of the Pension Plus 2 plan and will participate in the DC plan.
Created 8/7/2017
If the Pension Plus 2 plan were closed to new members, what would happen to members enrolled in Pension Plus 2?
Members already enrolled in Pension Plus 2 will continue to accrue service credit under that plan.
Created 8/7/2017
Understanding Employer Actions (July - October 1, 2017)
What actions must I take now regarding new employees?
Review the Member Benefit Plan link in Employer Self Service to determine if employees are new to the Michigan Public Schools Retirement System.
Created 8/7/2017
What Retirement Plan Election form do I provide members who are new to MPSERS (between now and October 1, 2017)?
Provide employees who are new to MPSERS with the July revision of Your Retirement Plan Election brochure and form, which you should receive in the mail by mid-August.
Created 8/7/2017
How do I handle TDP Agreements between now and September 29, 2017?
Review any new TDP agreements as soon as you receive them. Fax the signed, completed TDP agreements to ORS by 5:00 p.m. EDT, September 29, 2017 (the deadline for eligible members to purchase service credit.) To avoid the last-minute rush, fax completed agreements as soon as you have reviewed them. RIM Chapter 10 covers TDP agreements.
Created 8/7/2017
Why is the service credit purchase deadline important for employers?
PA 92 mandates this deadline. ORS must receive all TDP Agreements (R0392C) signed by both the member and employer by 5:00 p.m. EDT, September 29, 2017. ORS will not process TDP agreements received after that time and payments will be returned appropriately.
Created 8/7/2017
I rarely get TDP agreements from members, but recently I got several. What should I do?
Expect to receive more than the usual number of TDP Agreements between now and the end of September. Be prepared to process them by the September 29 deadline. RIM Chapter 10 covers TDP agreements.
Created 8/7/2017
How should I answer member questions about service credit purchases?
Direct any members with questions about service credit purchases to the FAQ on Service Credit – PA 92 2017 or to General rules for service credit purchases, found on the MPSERS Member website (
Created 8/7/2017
Understanding Employer Actions (October 1, 2017 - February 1, 2018)
What changes go into effect in October 2017?
Employees hired after September 4, 2012 who elected the DC plan will have new contribution and employer match amounts mandated by PA 92. The first change is the mandatory 4% employer contribution, which goes into effect for records with a begin date on or after October 1, 2017.
For any record begin date before February 1, 2018, the current employer match is 50% of the first 6% of the employee’s retirement savings contribution remains in place.
The change to the employer match takes effect for records with a begin date on or after February 1, 2018. The employer match will be 100% of the first 3% of the employee’s retirement savings.
Created 8/7/2017
What action must I take regarding these changes on October 1, 2017?
For DTL2 records with a record end date on or after 10/01/2017, begin reporting employees using the updated DB Contributions section of the Employer Contribution Rates table (effective October 1, 2017 through January 31, 2018).
For DTL4 records with a record begin date on or after 10/01/2017, begin reporting employees using the updated DC Contributions section of the Employer Contribution Rates table (effective October 1, 2017 through January 31, 2018).
Employees hired on or after September 4, 2012, who elected the DC plan, will now receive a mandatory 4% employer contribution.
Updated 8/28/2017
Does the employer contribution rate change apply to MIP DC Converted and Basic DC Converted members during the 2012 Reform?
No, the new law does not affect members who converted to the DC plan before September 4, 2012. These members already receive the mandatory 4% employer contribution. They will not receive the additional employer match (which begins February 1, 2018).
Created 8/7/2017
Does the new law impact the Personal Healthcare Fund?
No, the new law does not affect the Personal Healthcare Fund (PHF). PHF is a healthcare benefit and was not affected by this new law. Employees who have PHF will continue to receive a 100% match up to 2% from the employer.
Created 8/7/2017
Understanding Changes to Service Credit Purchases and TDP Agreements
What is changing regarding service credit purchases?
Basic or MIP members who wish to buy service credit must do so by 5:00 p.m. EDT, September 29, 2017. To make a purchase, a member has to submit the payment in full or submit a Tax-Deferred Payment (TDP) Agreement, signed by the member and the new employer and faxed to ORS by the deadline above.
Created 8/7/2017
How do I handle TDP Agreements between now and September 29, 2017?
Review any new TDP agreements as soon as you receive them. Fax the signed, completed TDP agreements to ORS by 5:00 p.m. EDT, September 29, 2017 (the deadline for eligible members to purchase service credit.) To avoid the last-minute rush, fax completed agreements as soon as you have reviewed them. RIM Chapter 10 covers TDP agreements.
Created 8/7/2017
Why is the service credit purchase deadline so important?
PA 92 mandates this deadline. ORS must receive all TDP Agreements (R0392C) signed by both the member and employer by 5:00 p.m. EDT, September 29, 2017. ORS will not process TDP agreements received after that time and payments will be returned appropriately.
Created 8/7/2017
What types of service credit are still available?
PA 92 still allows members to receive service credit in the following situations:
- Active duty military service credit purchase
- Repayment of refunded pension contributions
- Payment of missed contributions for weekly workers’ compensation from before July 1, 1992.
- MIP contributions not paid to the retirement system during the MIP conversion in the 1990s.
Created 8/7/2017
How do I handle TDP Agreement Addendums (transfers)?
Fax any signed, completed TDP Agreement Addendum (R0625C) within five business days of receiving the completed form from the employee. Note that a member whose TDP agreement is canceled or who does not submit the TDP Agreement Addendum form to the employer within 90 calendar days of termination cannot begin a new agreement, as he or she could before PA 92. See RIM 10.09.01.
Created 8/7/2017
What if a new employee gives me a TDP Agreement Addendum form after the 90-day window?
It is the employee’s responsibility to submit this form to the new employer within 90 days of termination from a previous employer (as explained in RIM 10.09.01). If the member misses that deadline, the agreement will no longer be in effect and the member won’t be able to start a new agreement (as they could before PA 92). But it’s urgent that you process submitted addendums promptly after receiving it to preserve the TDP purchase for your new employees.
Created 8/7/2017
How should I answer member questions about service credit purchases?
Direct any members with questions about service credit purchases to the FAQ on Service Credit – PA 92 2017 or to General rules for service credit purchases, found on the MPSERS Member website (
Created 8/7/2017
How will the new law affect TDP agreements that are in place now?
This will not affect TDP agreements that are currently in place.
Created 8/7/2017
Does the balance on TDP agreements that are in place now need to be paid in full by the September 29, 2017 5:00 p.m. deadline?
No. Agreements that are in place prior to September 29, 2017 5:00 p.m. do not need to be paid in full. If the member is retiring and considering paying off any service credit purchase, they will need to do so prior to their retirement effective date.
Created 8/7/2017