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What system changes happened for the changes effective in October 2017?

System changes for October 2017 were implemented in late September. You were notified by email and the information was posted on the 2017 Reform section of the Employer Information site.

System changes for October included removing the availability for members to purchase service credit.

Also, anyone who elected the DC plan on or after September 4, 2012 started receiving 4% mandatory employer contributions. This is calculated on the DTL4 with any record begin date on or after October 1, 2017. Anyone who elected the DC plan on or after September 4, 2012 has the contribution amounts listed on the Member Benefit Plans link and on the View Feedback File link on the Employer Reporting website. 

There were no changes to DTL1, DTL2, or DTL3 records.

 Updated 1/25/2018