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What system changes will happen for the changes effective in February 2018?

ORS plans to have system changes needed for February 1, 2018 completed by the end of January.  As we have more information regarding changes to the ORS system, you will be notified by email and the information will be posted on the 2017 Reform section of the Employer Information site.

System changes for February will include the integration of the Pension Plus 2 plan. Employees who elect the Pension Plus 2 plan will be reported just like a Pension Plus member, but with different employer and member contribution rates. Employees who first work on or after February 1, 2018, will make their elections on miAccount.

Other system changes include new employer matching rates for employees who elected (hired on or after September 4, 2012 and before February 1, 2018) or default to (hired on or after February 1, 2018 and did not elect Pension Plus 2) the DC plan. Employees will now receive 100% up to 3% of the employee’s contributions. There are no changes to Personal Healthcare Fund matching contributions or reporting.

There are no changes to DTL1 or DTL3 records.

 Updated 1/25/2018