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Action required: important survey for all reporting units

Michigan Office of Retirement Services sent this bulletin at 08/09/2023 07:00 AM EDT

Dear Friend,

You will soon receive an email from the Office of Retirement Services (ORS) which will include a link to a Survey Monkey survey. That email will come from ors‑ The survey will contain your reporting unit name and number.

ORS is conducting this survey of reporting units to better understand how MPSERS employer payroll calendar reporting schedules relate to the dates when employee wages are actually earned. The purpose of the survey is to collect data that allows ORS to estimate a total for wages earned in September but paid in October, for our fiscal year-end accounting.

Your prompt response is required to complete our financial audit. Please complete the survey no later than Friday, Sept. 1. If you are not the right person to complete the survey for your reporting unit, please forward the email with the survey link to a more appropriate person. 

If you are a contact for multiple reporting units, it is possible an invitation will be sent to another contact within your reporting unit. Please check with your other contacts on file with ORS once you receive an invitation to see whether someone else may have received the invitation for the other reporting unit(s).

If you have any questions, please contact Web Reporting at

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