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Student Record Maintenance

MSDS Student Record Maintenance Collection

The SRM Collection is an optional collection that may be used to update student data throughout the school year, including:

  • Graduation Rate Appeals
  • Submitting Enrollment and Exit Records
  • Updating Demographics/Program Data for Assessment and Accountability
  • Submitting Section 23a Dropout Recovery Program Claims
  • Submitting Section 25e FTE Transfer Requests

Security forms:

See the CEPI Calendar Page for our master calendar of deadlines and collection dates.

Graduation Rate Appeals Window

This window is your final opportunity to review and correct the data used to calculate your graduation and dropout rate in advance of rate publications. Please see the Graduation and Dropout Review page for additional information and guidance.

Submit Enrollment and Exit Records Between General Collections

Districts may report students who enroll between general collections. Upon certification of a student's record, enrollment information will be updated immediately, district users will gain access to student history information, and the Primary Education Providing Entity will be updated accordingly. The reported As Of Date should be the student's enrollment or exit date.

Update Student Demographics/Program Data for Assessment and Accountability

The Michigan Department of Education, Division of Educator, Student and School Supports uses student data reported through the MSDS as the source for each district's student roster. In addition to the data submitted through the General Collections, districts may use the SRM to update or correct demographic information. To be included in accountability calculations, each SRM record must have an "As Of Date" within a specific date range and must be certified before the published deadline.

Please refer to MDE's Assessment and Accountability website and Accountability Best Practices: Reporting Guide for Trouble-Free Accountability for more information.

Submit Section 23a Dropout Recovery Program Claims

School districts that operate an eligible Dropout Recovery Program may claim 1/12th of an FTE for each month that an eligible student was enrolled in the program and was in full attendance. These requests are made by reporting the student in SRM and including the Section 23a Component.  Requests for a particular month must be submitted no later than 30 calendar days after the end of that month.

2024-25 School Year:

  • Eligible months: July 2024 through June 2025
  • July claims must be submitted in the 2024-25 SRM Collection
  • August claims may be submitted in the 2024-25 or 2025-26 SRM Collections (but no later than September 30)
    • Students claimed for the month of August 2025 who no longer meet the membership age requirements under Section 6(4)(l) of the State    School Aid Act as of September 1, 2025, must be claimed in the 2024-25 SRM.

Submit Section 25e FTE Transfer Requests

Districts may voluntarily request a pro-rated transfer of FTE for students who were eligible for FTE on the Fall Pupil Membership count date and transferred to their district between the Fall and Spring count dates. These requests are made by reporting the student in SRM and including the Section 25 Component.

  • Submission Window Begins: Day after Fall General Collection Closes
  • Submission Window Ends: Day before Spring Supplemental Count Day
  • Denied requests may be resubmitted within 30 days after the end of the submission window
  • Auditors may approve or deny requests through April 15