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2021 Energy Waste Reduction and Demand Response Statewide Potential Study

Notice: MI Power Grid meetings and all other MPSC workgroup meetings will be conducted via teleconference only until further notice. Please find remote access information for upcoming meetings on our calendar of events.

Public Act 341 of 2016 requires the Michigan Public Service Commission to periodically conduct Energy Waste Reduction (EWR) and Demand Response (DR) potential studies to support modeling scenarios and assumptions used by electric utilities in Integrated Resource Plans filed before the MPSC.

The first potential studies were conducted in 2017. A link to those pages can be found here: MPSC - Demand Response Potential Study and MPSC - Energy Waste Reduction Potential Study. In the summer of 2020, as a result of it's competitive solicitation, the MPSC selected Guidehouse Inc. to conduct the next study of Michigan's technical, economic, and achievable EWR and DR potential. This study period spans 2021 to 2040. The project is expected to be completed by September 2021.

Questions or comments on the study can be sent to Guidehouse at

Actions to Date

  • Three stakeholder sessions were held to solicit comments on the proposed DR options list and EWR measure list, as well as review the customer survey and market characterization parameters. 
  • Guidehouse has finalized the DR options list and EWR measure list based on stakeholder feedback. 
  • The EWR and DR Statewide Potential Study Reports have been drafted and are being circulated for stakeholder review and feedback. 

Stakeholder Sessions

December 2, 2020 (TELECONFERENCE ONLY)

Presentation | Q&A

February 4, 2021 (TELECONFERENCE ONLY)

Presentation | Q&A


Presentation | Q&A

Staff Lead

Lynn Beck

Task - Related Documents


Energy Waste Reduction - Draft

Energy Waste Reduction - Final

Demand Response - Draft

Demand Response - Final