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Customer Generation and Financial Information

Typical customer electric generation technologies include solar photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, and on-farm anaerobic digestion systems. These systems are located on the customer's premises. See the Energy Information Administration website for more detailed information on these generation technologies. Customer generation facilities must be located on the customer's premises.

The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) has Electric Interconnection and Net Metering Standards which address the interconnection process for utilities whose rates are regulated by the MPSC and cooperative utilities.  MPSC Staff conducted a stakeholder process (as described below) resulting in updated rules.  More information on the process to interconnect a customer generation project with a utility’s distribution system are available on the Commission’s interconnection webpage

If you are considering installing an electric generation project, check with your utility’s interconnection staff to learn about the process for interconnecting with the utility’s distribution system. 

Utility Programs

Additional Information

Financial Information

  • Many financial incentives exist to help encourage the use of renewable energy systems. Please review the information presented below with your financial professional to know which options, if any, will work best for your particular situation.

Residential and Small Scale

Additional Information

    DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  • Energy Calculators
    The US DOE provides calculators to evaluate the payback period of a renewable energy system.