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1.03.01: Web user account types

1.03.01: Web user account types

Everyone at a reporting unit who performs reporting tasks is considered a web user or a contact (those who do not have access to the Employer Reporting website or the online payment process). See section 1.03.03: Contacts for more information.

Below is a list of all web user account types and their roles.

User Type

User type can:

Web Administrator

Access all report processing functions
Activate or inactivate web user accounts (except their own account)
Create web user accounts (except their own or Payment Processors)

Employer Reporting 1 through 5

Update account profiles (their own and others)
Add, edit, and delete business contact types
No access to online payment processing

Member Inquiry 1 and 2

Access the Member Benefit Plans screen
Verify a member's benefit plan structure and employee contribution rate information.
Create and update own account profile
No access to other reporting functions
No access to online payment processing

Payment Processor 1 through 3

Access payment processing functions
Make payments to ORS
Update own account profile
No access to reporting functions


User account creation and maintenance is explained further in Chapter 12: Managing Employer Contacts.

Last updated: 01/06/2016