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Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards Meeting ~ February 11, 2015

February 5, 2015  ~ The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) will meet in public session on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, for a regular Commission Meeting at 10:30 am.  The meeting will be held in Lansing, Michigan

For questions or further information, please call the MCOLES office at 517-322-1417 or visit the MCOLES Web site.

Event:           MCOLES Commission Meeting

Location:      Lansing Community College - West Campus
                     5708 Cornerstone Drive
                     Room W-157
                     Lansing, Michigan  48917
Date:            Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Time:           10:30 am

Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should contact Ms. Jacquelyn Beeson at 517-322-1417 or via the Michigan Relay Center at 800-649-3777, one week in advance, to request mobility, visual, hearing or other assistance. Any public comment may be limited to three three minutes per person.

Related Documents

MCOLES February 11, 2014 Notice of Public Meeting
MCOLES February 11, 2014 Proposed Meeting Agenda