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Public Act 147 of 2023 - Working after Retirement changes

Public Act (PA) 147 of 2023 was signed into law Oct. 10, 2023. The law changes working after retirement rules for public school retirees through Oct. 10, 2028. Under the new law, public school retirees may return to work at a reporting unit after retirement with no impact on their pension or retiree healthcare benefits if they have a bona fide termination and they either earn less than $15,100 in a calendar year from their public school employment or they’ve been retired six consecutive months. It also changed the rules for retired superintendents who return to work at a reporting unit after retirement. For more information about the changes, see PA 147 of 2023 (previously House Bill 4752 of 2023) or ORS' legislative summary.

Published on Oct. 10, 2023
Updated on Oct. 18, 2023