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13.02.01: Detail 2 records - employment class codes and definitions

13.02.01: Detail 2 records - employment class codes and definitions

Detail 2 - Wages and Hours (DTL2) records require two important codes: employment class codes and wage codes (explained in section 13.02.02: Detail 2 records - wage codes). Employment class codes define members' positions with your reporting unit. You'll see that most of them correspond to the Michigan Department of Education Salary Object Codes. Include these codes in the DTL2 records on your retirement detail reports.

1110 - Superintendent

1680 - Attendance

1120 - Assistant Superintendent

1690 - Other Operation & Service

1130 - Administrative Assistant

1790 - Other Special Payments

1150 - Principal

1810 - Administration

1160 - Supervision

1820 - Professional - Education

1170 - Program/Department Direction

1830 - Professional - Business

1180 - Research

1840 - Professional - Other

1190 - Other Administration

1850 - Technical

1210 - Curriculum

1860 - Operation & Service

1220 - Counseling

1870 - Teaching (Temporary)

1230 - Library

1880 - Sub Clerical

1240 - Teaching

1890 - Other

1250 - Consulting

1910 - Sal - OT Administrative

1260 - Instructional Media

1920 - Sal - OT Professional Education

1270 - Visually Handicapped Media

1930 - Sal - OT Professional Business

1280 -Speech & Language Therapist

1940 - Sal - OT Professional Other

1290 - Other Professional Education

1950 - Sal - OT Technical

1310 - Accounting

1960 - Sal - OT Operation & Service

1320 - Auditing

1970 - Sal - OT Teaching

1330 - Legal

1980 - Sal - Clerical - Admin Support

1340 - Personnel

8000 - Workers' Compensation

1350 - Architect - Engineer

8500 - Short Term Disability

1390 - Other Professional Business

9001 -Professional Services Leave/Professional ServicesReleased Time

1410 - Medical - Dental

9005 – RETIREE (Direct Hire)

1430 - Psychological

9025– RETIREE (Indirect Hire)

1440 - Social Work

9510 - Supplemental Employment 1

1450 - Nursing

9520 - Supplemental Employment 2

1470 - Physical Therapy

9530 - Supplemental Employment 3

1480 - Occupational Therapy

The codes below are for retiree adjustments prior to July 25, 2022.

1490 - Other Professional

9003 - Retiree - Teacher

1510 - Data Processing

9004 - Retiree - Administrator

1530 - Purchasing

9005 - Retiree - Other

1540 - Testing

9013- Critical Shortage Retiree (Teacher)

1550 - Crafts & Trades

9014- Critical Shortage Retiree (Admin)

1560 - Coaches - Recreational

9015- Critical Shortage Retiree (Other)

1590 - Other Technical

9023- 3rd Party Retiree (Teacher)

1610 - Vehicle Operation

9024- 3rd Party Retiree (Admin)

1620 - Secretary - Clerical - Bookkeeper

9025 - 3rd Party Retiree (Other)

1630 - Aide

9033- Non-CS Direct Hire Retiree (Teacher)

1640 - Custodian

9034- Non-CS Direct Hire Retiree (Admin)

1650 - Food Service

9035- Non-CS Direct Hire Retiree (Other)

1660 - Security & Monitor

9043- 3rd Party Core Services (Teacher)

1670 - Laborer

9044- 3rd Party Core Services (Admin)

1990 - Sal - OT Other

9045- 3rd Party Core Services (Other)


Administration - Salaried

Definition: A grouping of assignments concerned with establishing and administering policy in connection with operating the reporting unit.

  • 1110 Superintendent - An assignment to perform the head executive management activities of a school system.
  • 1120 Assistant Superintendent - An assignment to assist the superintendent in performing the head executive management activities of a school system.
  • 1130 Administrative Assistant - An assignment to perform professional activities.
  • 1150 Principal (School Direction & Management) - An assignment to perform the activities of directing and managing the operation of a school for which policy and program plans have been broadly established.
  • 1160 Supervision - An assignment to supervise staff members and manage a function, a program, or a supporting service. This includes program coordinators and compliance officers.
  • 1170 Program-Department Direction - An assignment to direct a program, department, function, or a supporting service.
  • 1180 Research - An assignment to perform the activities concerned with systematic studies and to establish facts or principles for the school system.
  • 1190 Other Administration - An assignment to perform activities other than those identified above in this general field of activity.

Professional - Educational

Definition: A grouping of assignments requiring a high degree of knowledge and skills in the educational profession.

  • 1210 Curriculum - An assignment consisting principally of preparing the curriculum.
  • 1220 Counseling - An assignment to perform the professional activities of assisting students or others in making plans or choices in relation to education, vocation, or personal development.
  • 1230 Library - An assignment to perform professional library service activities such as ordering, cataloging, processing, and circulating books and other materials; planning the use of the library by teachers, students, or others; selecting books and materials; participating in faculty planning for the use of books and materials; and guiding teachers, students, and others in the use of the library in schools or community services programs.
  • 1240 Teaching - An assignment to instruct students. The assignment may be in course or non-course instructional situations.
  • 1250 Consulting - An assignment to provide leadership, guidance, and expertise in a field of specialization for the purpose of improving the performances of staff members.
  • 1260 Instructional Media - An assignment consisting of activities that provide educational experience through the instructional media.
  • 1270 Visually Handicapped Media - An assignment to develop materials for the visually handicapped.
  • 1280 Speech and Language Therapist - An assignment to identify, diagnose, apprise, and to provide required speech rehabilitation services.
  • 1290 Other Professional Education - An assignment to perform activities other than those identified above in this general field of activity.

Professional - Business

Definition: A grouping of assignments requiring a high degree of knowledge and skills in the business profession.

  • 1310 Accounting - An assignment to perform the activities of designing and maintaining financial, staff, student, program, or property records; summarizing, analyzing, or verifying such records; or controlling and certifying expenditures and receipts.
  • 1320 Auditing - An assignment to evaluate the adequacy of the internal control system; verifying and safeguarding assets, reviewing the reliability of the accounting and reporting system, and ascertaining compliance with established policies and procedures.
  • 1330 Legal - An assignment to a staff member who is qualified to practice law to perform the activities of legal counseling for the school system.
  • 1340 Personnel - An assignment to direct activities concerned with the staff personnel management program of the school system.
  • 1350 Architect-Engineer - An assignment to perform professional activities such as designing and preparing plans and specifications for the construction, remodeling, or repair of buildings and facilities and overseeing construction to ensure compliance with plans and specifications.
  • 1390 Other Professional Business - An assignment to perform activities not defined above in this general field of activity.

Professional - Other

Definition: A grouping of assignments requiring a high degree of knowledge and skills in the following professions.

  • 1410 Medical-Dental - An assignment to a qualified medical doctor or dentist to perform professional activities for the school system.
  • 1430 Psychological - An assignment to perform the professional activities of a psychologist in the service of the school system.
  • 1440 Social Work - An assignment to perform the professional activities of assisting in the prevention of or solution to the personal, social, and emotional problems of individuals which involve such relationships as those of the family, school, and community.
  • 1450 Nursing - An assignment of a qualified nurse to perform the activities of a professional or practical nurse.
  • 1470 Physical Therapy - An assignment to perform the activities involving physical methods of treatment and rehabilitation other than the use of drugs or surgery.
  • 1480 Occupational Therapy - An assignment to perform the activities involving occupational methods of treatment and rehabilitation other than the use of drugs or surgery.
  • 1490 Other Professional - An assignment to perform activities not defined above in this general field of activity.


Definition: A grouping of assignments requiring a combination of basic scientific knowledge and manual skills.

  • 1510 Data Processing - An assignment consisting of activities that process data.
  • 1530 Purchasing - An assignment to perform activities in connection with acquiring property, supplies, and materials for the school system.
  • 1540 Testing - An assignment consisting principally of the activities of administering educational and psychological tests.
  • 1550 Crafts & Trades - An assignment to perform the activities of a recognized craft or trade such as carpentry, masonry, plastering, painting, plumbing, steam fitting, sheet metal work, glazing, or mechanical repairing. Bus mechanics are included under this employment class code.
  • 1560 Coaches-Recreational - An assignment consisting of activities that promote the use of recreation facilities and programs.
  • 1590 Other Technical - An assignment to perform technical activities other than those defined above.

Operation and service

Definition: A grouping of assignments requiring manual and non-manual skills.

  • 1610 Vehicle Operation - An assignment consisting mainly of driving a vehicle such as a school bus, truck, or automobile used in the service of the school system.
  • 1620 Secretary-Clerical-Bookkeeper - An assignment to perform clerical, secretarial, and like services consisting of such activities as preparing, transferring, transcribing, systematizing, or preserving written communications and records, or operating mechanical equipment such as computers, calculators, phones, bookkeeping machines, key punch machines, duplicating machines, and tabulating machines.
  • 1630 Aide - An assignment to perform activities of a non-teaching nature that are not classified as professional educational teaching assignments or other support service activities. This classification includes paraprofessionals, teacher aids, bus attendants, etc.
  • 1640 Custodian - An assignment to perform school plant housekeeping services, and security services such as cleaning; operating heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems; guarding and caring for school property; and servicing building equipment.
  • 1650 Food Service - An assignment to perform the activities of preparing or serving food.
  • 1660 Security and Monitor - An assignment consisting of activities safeguarding property, students, and other persons in a school area.
  • 1670 Laborer - An assignment consisting of activities to perform manual labor not classified in another assignment activity classification.
  • 1680 Attendance - An assignment to perform activities that promote better attendance, such as nonattendance analysis, identifying patterns of nonattendance, and providing incentives for good attendance.
  • 1690 Other Operation and Service - An assignment to perform activities other than those defined above requiring manual or non-manual skills.

Special salary payments

 Definition: Amounts paid to employees for special conditions, such as wages without hours.

  • 1790 Other Special Payments - Use this employment class code only with wage codes 09 (wages without hours), 15 (wages without hours positive adjustment), or 16 (wages without hours negative adjustment).

Temporary salaried

Definition: Full-time, Part-time, and prorated portions of the costs for work performed by employees of the school system who are hired on a temporary or substitute basis to perform work in either temporary or permanent positions.

  • 1810 Administration
  • 1820 Professional-Education
  • 1830 Professional-Business
  • 1840 Professional-Other
  • 1850 Technical
  • 1860 Operation and Service
  • 1870 Teaching
  • 1880 Sub-Clerical
  • 1890 Other


 Use these employment class codes to identify employee overtime wages and hours.

  • 1910 Sal - OT Administration
  • 1920 Sal - OT Professional Education
  • 1930 Sal - OT Professional Business
  • 1940 Sal - OT Professional Other
  • 1950 Sal - OT Technical
  • 1960 Sal - OT Operations and Service
  • 1970 Sal - OT Teaching
  • 1980 Sal - Clerical/Administrative Support
  • 1990 Sal - OT Other

Special situation class codes

Definition: Use these class codes instead of other class codes to identify members in a special employment situation.

  • 8000 An active member receiving workers' compensation.
  • 8500 An active member receiving short-term disability.
  • 9001 An active member on professional services leave or professional services released time.
  • 9510 Supplemental Employment 1 - Use this class code when an active member is paid a different pay rate for an additional position.
  • 9520 Supplemental Employment 2 - Use this class code when an active member is paid a different pay rate for an additional position.
  • 9530 Supplemental Employment 3 - Used when an active member is paid a different pay rate for an additional position.

Retiree class codes

Use the 9005 class code for employees hired on or after July 1, 2022, who have retired from the MPSERS system and return to work directly for a reporting unit. Note: A retiree is no longer a member of this system and must not be reported while receiving workers' compensation or employer-sponsored short-term disability.

Use the 9025 class code for retirees hired indirectly by a reporting unit either through a third-party administrator or as an independent contractor. Note: A retiree is no longer a member of this system and must not be reported while receiving workers' compensation or employer-sponsored short-term disability.

The Reporting Retirees section of the Employer Information website provides you information and reporting for your retired employees. This includes the link to the Working after retirement - employer guide.

The codes below are retiree for adjustments for records prior to July 25, 2022:

  • 9003 Retiree (Teacher) - A retiree who has returned to reporting unit employment as a teacher while receiving a monthly pension from this retirement system. This class code should be used as long as the retiree performs teaching duties.
  • 9004 Retiree (Admin) -  A retiree who has returned to reporting unit employment and is performing the duties of an administrator while receiving a monthly pension from this retirement system. This class code should be used as long as the retiree performs administrative duties.
  • 9005 Retiree (Other) - A retiree who has returned to reporting unit employment in a capacity other than teaching or administration while receiving a monthly pension from this retirement system. This class code should be used as long as the retiree performs duties other than teaching or administration.
  • 9013 Critical Shortage Retiree (Teacher) - A retiree hired directly by the reporting unit returning to work in a critical shortage position as a teacher. This class code is valid from Dec. 27, 2012, through July 1, 2021.
  • 9014 Critical Shortage Retiree (Admin) - A retiree hired directly by the reporting unit returning to work in a critical shortage position as an administrator. This class code is valid only from Dec. 16, 2015, through July 1, 2021. 
  • 9015 Critical Shortage Retiree (Other) - A retiree hired directly by the reporting unit returning to work in a critical shortage position other than a teacher or administrator. This class code is valid from Dec. 16, 2015, through July 1, 2021. 
  • 9023 3rd Party Retiree (Teacher) - A retiree hired by a reporting unit through a third-party administrator or as an independent contractor returning to work in a position as a substitute teacher. This class code is valid from Dec. 16, 2015, through July 1, 2021.
  • 9024 3rd Party Retiree (Admin) - A retiree hired by a reporting unit through a third-party administrator or as an independent contractor returning to work in a position as a school improvement facilitator or instructional coach. This class code is valid from Dec. 16, 2015, through July 1, 2021.
  • 9025 3rd Party Retiree (Other) - A retiree hired by a reporting unit through a third-party administrator or as an independent contractor returning to work in a position as a substitute teacher, school improvement facilitator or instructional coach. Use these codes when class codes 9023 or 9024 have already been used for a pay period and an additional DTL2 record for the same pay period is needed. This class code is valid from Dec. 16, 2015, through July 1, 2021.
  • 9033 Non-CS Direct Hire Retiree (Teacher) - A retiree hired directly by the reporting unit in a teaching position that is not on the critical shortage list. This class code is valid from Dec. 16, 2015, through July 1, 2021. Use this class code also for all qualified participants from Dec. 27, 2012 through July 25, 2022.
  • 9034 Non-CS Direct Hire Retiree (Admin) - A retiree hired directly by the reporting unit as an administrator in a position that is not on the critical shortage list. Class code is valid from Dec. 16, 2015, through July 1, 2021. Use this class code also for all qualified participants from Dec. 27, 2012 through July 25, 2022.
  • 9035 Non-CS Direct Hire Retiree  (Other) - A retiree hired directly by the reporting unit in a non-critical shortage position other than teacher or administrator. See the critical shortage list. Class code is valid from Dec. 16, 2015, through July 1, 2021. Use this class code also for all qualified participants from Dec. 27, 2012 through July 25, 2022.
  • 9043 3rd Party Core Services (Teacher) - A retiree hired through a third-party administrator or as an independent contractor returning to work as a teacher in a position defined by ORS as a core service.
  • 9044 3rd Party Core Services (Admin) - A retiree hired through a third-party administrator or as an independent contractor returning to work as an administrator in a position defined by ORS as a core service.
  • 9045 3rd Party Core Services (Other) - A retiree hired through a third-party administrator or as an independent contractor returning to work in a position other than teaching or administration that is defined by ORS as a core service.

Last updated: 08/05/2022