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14.01.01: Header file layout

14.01.01: Header file layout

Header file layout


Field Name Format Length Position Required Field Explanation
Section Identifier - HEAD X(4) 4 1 - 4 Yes This field is used to identify the type of section the record presents. For the Header section "HEAD" should be used.
Organization Code 9(5) 5 5 - 9 Yes The five-digit organization number. The first four digits are the number assigned to the individual reporting unit. These should be followed by a zero.
Organization Name X(30) 30 10 - 39 Yes Name of the reporting unit.
Reporting Period End Date 9(8) 8 40 - 47 Yes Last day of the reporting period. Use MMDDYYYY format. Note: A reporting period is defined as a specific time frame in which payments and adjustments are made per your payroll calendar. Enter the report begin and end dates on the "Create Report" screen when you submit your file. Calculate report dates as follows: the begin date will be the date following the end date of your previous submitted report; the end date should be calculated by adding a pay period to the begin date.
Date Created 9(8) 8 48 - 55 Yes The date the file was created. Use the format MMDDYYYY.
Service Center Code X(5) 5 56 - 60   The five-digit code of the Service Center that prepared the file, if applicable.
Service Center Name X(30) 30 61 - 90   Name of the Service Center that prepared the file, if applicable.
Filler X(290) 290 91 - 380    


Last updated: 08/01/2017